Thursday, June 11, 2015

What happens after death

What we call death is, ironically, the greatest mystery of life. Is there life after death? Where are we going? How is it possible that there is life after our body dies? On all these questions, we can answer once you understand the difference between a computer body and Infinite consciousness. As I have already pointed out, unlimited consciousness receives this reality through a computer body - like carrying a genetic spacesuit. Our lower levels of consciousness can, and usually they do it, to become confused and to identify the computer. When the computer stops working - "dies" - Our consciousness is released and starts the process of illusion recall who actually did. It can be immediately those who were aware of his true identity before the "death of computer", while others protrebno more time if their incarnation Awareness was under the domination of their very large computer identity.
Therefore, there are many stories about "spirits" and "ghosts" in the locations where they lived. What we call "spirit" is often being-body, aspects of Consciousness, which is still identified with the computer in which it lived and lives in a limbo dimension, very close to this. Because of this proximity to the frequencies we can "see ghosts." It's a bit like radio interference that are close to each other. In the same way, the people known as "parapsychologists" - real - have the ability to find another frequency and dimension and communicate on it with Consciousness. That is the way they can connect with "the deceased" and transmit messages to our deceased loved ones. Instead of understanding what happens when "death" - when unbounded consciousness frees computer reality - "ghosts" and continues to believe that they are still what they were in the secular world. Some call them "lost souls" or "spirits associated with the earthly". Similar is the identification with the former computer "them" that they manifest as a mental projection of what they looked like in the physical form. That is what is in the movie The Matrix called "residual self-image". When people see a ghost, they can see a small child or an old man, and later find out that some of that description tion actually live there. Violent and traumatic death seems that the most common cause of this phenomenon, although it can happen to anyone who is confused by her own identity. There are other reasons for the phenomenon of ghosts, but this is one of them.

My mother Barbara died in 2006 after a long and painful decline of her mental and physical health that lasted nearly twenty years. In fact, it is not falling apart, "she", but its computer body. It is very strongly fought with that until integrating problems did not mean that her computer unable to continue working. It was a moment that we call "death", the experience you fear the most during the whole of human existence. At the same time, it is the most extreme of all the fears that we obeyed - fear of the unknown. Because of the fear of death, people are silent when it is necessary to uncover the biggest secrets that would have led to the discovery of the conspiracy of which I am writing this book and become slaves of the medical profession and the clergy, desperately trying to stay alive and avoid an eternal "hell".
Each type of fear is limiting, or the fear of death is the spiritual and emotional Alcatraz. I was afraid of death when I was a child, and even more I was afraid that that my father and mother used to go. Poor health of my mother and it led to the fact that I am sick with worry when I heard the tortured coughing who should live to make you believe how awesome.
My father was certainly afraid of death because of fear of the unknown. He was once part of a medical military personnel accompanied the troops through Italy during World War II. In Naples, above all, the video is desperate poor who lived in the middle of the fantastic wealth of the Catholic Church. This made him an antireligious which he remained until his death. Unfortunately, equated the idea of ​​life after death with a religion and so despised and failed to see that the idea of ​​life after death is not affiliated with any of the religions. It simply exists, regardless of whether they carry the cross, pray to Jesus or do you think that religion is meaningless. No need to search for the eternal life - but we have it. He was given to us. The only question is what kind of eternal life, and the answer is up to us, and not to sign angry, vengeful "God" who will rule.
There were times when my mother's death was devastating for me and for my father. But I woke up before the reality of life and the illusory reality. I began to change my perception of the vibratory upokojavanju or transition we call death. The true nature of "death" - in fact, the transition from one to another life - is well described in 1998 in the movie Robin Williams' "While I dream awake." It is only the withdrawal of biological computers and, therefore, frequency or range of dimensions in which the system works. Our Consciousness then continued its foreign egzistgenciju in other areas of reality. Prorodno, neša attachment to the people and memories encourages us to complain when our beloved forever leave and that's understandable. I got my head was full of memories of my mother when the time came to us she leaves. I remember how I was when I was a kid, she sang the song "A little boy that Santa Claus forgot," while I was washing the floors. I would always be raplakao and told her that he can take my gifts. I remembered how my mother sometimes hastily called to hide behind the sofa when someone pokuacao the door. She would tell me to be quiet. After some time, for reasons that at the time I did not understand, I would say that it is now okay to move.
Later, I discovered that it knocked our landlord who would come after rent and which, sometimes, we would not have to pay. When not heard the answer, he looked out the front window - and hence the need to hide.
I remember being struck school dentist in the chest and fled when he tried to put a gas mask, and as I ran for miles down the street looking for her mother, who, as usual, wore ceger in his hand and shouted to me to stop. I remember the way that he came out of the bus, while her legs were obviously nervous, even before he touched the ground, as soon as possible running off to town to shop as if someone yelled "fire!".
Whenever I go shopping with my mother, I ran after her, trying to get that. I remember when I phoned. Those present in the room would say, "this is our Dave" and how truly mastered the art of leaving a message on the answering machine. Three times I had to press a button at home that I heard "BEEEP, BEEEP ... Axes. What? ". Axes? What did she do Axes?
Only later I realized that she began to speak before the filming started, and that is actually wanted to say, "I just wanted to hear how are you?".
There were so many memories as I was saying goodbye to the physical shape of my mother, that I realized that it was not "goodbye forever", but that it did, and it was "goodbye".
Now I know it's there, just a vibration away from me and we'll meet again - Consciousness with Consciousness - when I finished my job in this world. I know it again with my father and he told her that life was not what she had thought. I bet you are so sweet together again laughed. As she said: "What? You think it is not real? ".

When you leave someone dear to us, may seem that with them and took part of us, because of these energy connections. It remains a hole in your life that this person is filled, only to learn that there is. So I lamented the loss of the mother I knew almost exactly 54 years, but for which I have complained?
For the more general regret in such situations? If we understand the nature of eternal life or eternal Consciousness as we prefer to say, we feel self-pity because this person is no longer with us. We know they will continue to live, but we are no longer in the same vibrational field - because their computer is no longer sitting next to you, or is the other end of the telephone wire. Only when we do not understand the nature of life mourn those who have left us. Because, they were rescued limitations of physical illusion and re-born in a different kind of reality.
In truth, they never left her no, because we are all unlimited and a sense of division is part of the illusion of zbunjućeg world. My mother suffered from severe arthritis for decades before his death and I know what it looks like. She suffered from many health problems, especially after her car hit some speeds a few years before he died. Since then, her body was constantly weakening, and her mind was at times lost. Why would anyone complain because it saved and suffering to resurrection in heaven? I was relieved that her fight ended and they no longer suffer, as I and miss her presence. I never met nor read about someone who has had experience with clinical death, and wanted to return. Now there's a fantastic number of documented testimonies of people who have left their bodies when "death" and witnessed the artificial reality, before they revived body. Dutch cardiologist Pim van Lommel made a huge study of people who have had these experiences, which supported the concept of life after death, and opened some new questions of DNA, the collective lack of awareness and the idea of ​​"karma".
His results were published in the British medical journal "The Lancet". Van Lomelovo interest in the subject woke up 35 years ago when he was a patient told me about his experience after clinical death, but began a serious study only after he read the book "Back from the future" in which an American doctor George Ritchie described in detail their experience after clinical death.
Dutch experts began to examine all their patients about their experiences during heart attacks. Here we will introduce some of the testimony.

According to the memories of the first patient, everything happened like this:
-I Was "separated" from the body and hung himself in it and around it. I could see the next room and my body even though my eyes were closed. Suddenly I was able to "think" thousands and thousands of times faster, much clearer than it is typical for normal people. At that point I realized and accepted that I had died. It was time to move on. It was a moment of complete peace - without any fear or pain, and did not involve any emotions.
(Pay attention to what I said earlier about emotions and how they are a phenomenon of the computer body).
Experience other was similar. Thus, a second patient experienced clinical death, explained his experience with these words:
-I Saw the top on his own body and saw doctors and nurses to fight for my life. I could hear what they were saying. Then I felt the heat and I found myself in a tunnel. At the end of that tunnel was a bright, warm, white, vibrating light. It was beautiful. It gave me a sense of peace and security. I floated towards him. The feeling of heat was getting stronger and stronger. I felt at home, loved, nearly ecstatic. I saw my entire life flash before my eyes. Suddenly, I felt the pain again and he returned to his body. I was angry at being doctors sent back. This experience is a blessing for me and now I know for sure that body and soul are separated and that there is life after death. It convinced me that consciousness continues to live and after the funeral. Death is not death, but another form of life.
The third patient had a picturesque memory of this event, but in a different way:
I saw the guy who looked with favor, but which I did not know. Later, on his deathbed, my mother admitted that I was the fruit of one of her extramarital affairs and that my biological father was a Jew who was deported and murdered during World War II. My mother showed me a picture. It turns out that this unknown man, who years before I saw on my experience with clinical death actually was my biological father.
The tunnel, blessing, meeting with long-deceased loved ones and disappointment over the return of the leitmotifs of the story of the encounter with clinical death. Van Lommel says it all "returnees" from the afterlife often get the feeling that once again captured, in comparison with the freedom they experienced during.
Others say that it is their changed lives and that they lost the fear of death. If this is understood, will be released this eternal fear, and so this knowledge systematically suppressed - for reasons to which I will come later.
The hidden hand which I will bring to light, wants people to fear death and to be afraid of everything. When people have a feeling of fear, they are easier to manage and manipulate.

The answers can be summed up in one sentence: They are different states of consciousness, and this consciousness is all around us. You can have a bodily awareness or consciousness Unlimited or something between the two. Van Lommel emphasizes that the brain does not produce consciousness or store memories. He says US expert on computer science Simon Berkovic and Dutch scientist who studies brain activity Herms Romijn, working independently, came to the discovery that it is impossible that the brain store even part of our thoughts and experiences. Van Lommel conclusions which he reached after his investigations coincide with this. The body / mind are recipients / transmitter information such as your computer or TV. He says:
-So, Who are we? We can compare the brain to a TV that is set to receive specific electromagnetic waves and converts them into image and sound. Our awakened consciousness, that we have during their daily activities, reduces all information into a single truth that we have the opportunity to experience as "reality". During clinical experience with death, however, people are not limited to their bodies or their consciousness, which means they have the opportunity to experience many other "reality".
And everything that I have written in previous books and I continue in this. The point is that DNA, except for at least 95 percent of the so-called useless DNA that science does not know, in fact the recipient / transmitter information. The truth finally comes out. We are not our bodies, we are consciousness, Consciousness - what is released after what we call "death". After that experience potentially unlimited freedom that awaits us beyond "the law" and these manipulated illusion.
Van Lomelov outlook on life changed after this discovery, and this knowledge is systematically suppressed to prevent other people to experience a similar transformation. Experience a patient who has undergone this situation is more than picturesque;
Now I see that everything stems from consciousness. You better understand that you create your own reality based on the consciousness that you have the intention for which you live. I understand that consciousness is the basis of life, and that life is related to feeling, empathy and love.
It is. Unlimited love, unlimited consciousness is the only truth - everything else is illusion. My mother did not die. My mother can not die. Her biological computer stopped working and her eternal Consciousness went back to where it came from. When the computers of her family do the same, we will meet in a common Consciousness and damn well we laugh to what we were doing, thought and said when we were caught in a network of illusory disconnection.


  1. I hope and pray this is true because I am suffocated with grief and fear from death.

  2. I hope and pray this is true :( I am suffocated with grief and fear of death.
