The question of life or death!
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Jesus Christ is the central figure of the Bible. The New Testament reveals Jesus as Savior and Redeemer, gives a description of His birth, His teaching, his saving-redemptive role, His suffering, death and sacrifice for the redemption of mankind, of His Resurrection and Assumption to Heaven, his intercession for us, whose coming and the establishment of God's Kingdom.
Although Christ's return the most important event of the future, because it will be the Day of Judgment and at the same time the end of this world, that's what it preaches and does not speak a lot in Christian churches. Although it is one of the most important messages of the New Testament and the best hope of all true followers of Christ, for almost 2,000 years.
According to Bible prophecy and to what is Jesus Christ himself said on his return, that day is fast approaching and it is not far. All the signs of His coming are fulfilled before our eyes. Jesus has not revealed the day of his return. Despite that, many Christians were trying and trying "to calculate and predict" that day, but in vain. Although Jesus did not reveal the day of his arrival, he had mentioned and he gave us the signs and events that will precede His coming. That gave us time to prepare and be ready for the big day.
Because of the great importance of Christ's return, because it will then be determined by the eternal destiny of every human being (saved or lost) I give here the evidence from the Bible. Anyone who seriously read and study the Bible as the word of God shall be satisfied that the evidence presented is true. It is written, - "wise shall understand"!
Because this is a warning and reminder to anyone who reads this and is his responsibility to warn and say it to others, because if this is done it will be accountable to God.
Let's start in order:
Many do not believe and doubt the re-coming of Jesus, but he will surely come, since he promised you !!!
His promise is solid and reliable, because he did not like the man who promises, not fulfilled.
1. "Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me! 2 In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have said: I'm going to prepare a place; 3 And if I go and prepare a place, I'll be back to you unto myself that you also may be where I am "(John 14.1-3)
"Watch out, here I come soon and I started carrying a salary to pay each according to his work". (Revelation 22:12)
WHY Jesus will come?
1. * - will come to give a reward to the faithful, and this is eternal life in God's Kingdom. He will raise the righteous dead from their graves, and live righteous transform and give them immortality.
(1.Poslanica Thessalonians 4.16,17.) - "For the Lord Himself with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God come down from heaven and the dead in Christ shall rise first. 17- Then we'll live the rest will be taken up together with them in the air and in the clouds to meet the Lord, and so shall we ever be with Him. "
2. * - He will take the faithful with him in the heavenly dwellings.
(John 14.1-3) - "Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God and believe in me! 2.-In the house of my Father are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have said: "I go to prepare a place! 3rd-if I go and prepare a place, I'll be back to you unto myself that you may be where I am.
3. * - Ziva will destroy sinners.
(2.Poslanica Thessalonians 1.6-9) - "Yes, just the sight of God, to recompense you in turn give ordeal. 7.-and tortured you retire with us, when the flame of the fire revealed from heaven Gosopodin Jesus, accompanied by his angelic army, 8th which will take revenge on those who will not acknowledge God and who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9th They will be punished with everlasting destruction, away from the face of the Lord and His mighty celebrate the day come to be glorified in his saints.
HOW Jesus will come?
1. * - Jesus will come in person - the same one who ascended to Heaven.
(Acts 1.9-11) - "When it said, would in their eyes lifted up into the air and a cloud received him out of their fathers. 10.-While eyes fixed on the sky watched him go, suddenly two men in white stood by them, and they said they 11.-:
"Men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is lifted from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. "
2. * - He'll be seen - in the clouds.
(Matthew 24.27,30) - "For the coming of the Son of Man will be the lightning which flashed in the East and shed light to the west! 30.-then will point to heaven sign - the Son of Man; then shall all the tribes on earth and see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. "
(Rev 1.7) - "Here comes in the clouds! I will see him every eye, and those who pierced him. Because of Him will mourn all the nations on earth. Yes! Amen! "
3. * - Jesus will come suddenly and unexpectedly.
(Matthew 24.44,36) - "Therefore be ye also ready, because the Son of Man coming in a time when you do not expect! 36-As for that day and time, about how no one knows nothing, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. "
(2 Peter Epistle 3.10) - "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief; in the heavens will pass away with a great roar, I started going to melt in the fire, and the earth and the works that are in it will be destroyed. "
WHEN Jesus will come?
No one knows when Jesus will come !!!
It is therefore futile every calculation and prediction of the day, although many have tried.
Although Jesus did not reveal the day of his arrival, He has nevertheless noted various signs by which we recognize that His coming is near. He has to put forward in the 24th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew (and the signs and events are usually referred to as signs of the end times - the imminent end of the world).
(Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 24)
3rd When he sat on the mount of Olives, his disciples to him and said to him: "Tell us when this will be and that is the sign of your coming and of the end of the world?" 4. "Take heed that no man deceive you - Jesus said to them -5. because many will come in my name and say, 'I am the Messiah "and will deceive many." 6-You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. Do not get upset, because it must happen, but the end is not yet. 7.-will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. This is only the beginning of suffering .......................................
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11th arise many false prophets will and shall deceive many. 12-iniquity shall be and love will grow cold. 13th But he who endures to the end will be saved.
14.-This gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world, all the nations of the testimony, and then the end will come.
23.-If anyone then say: "Look, the Messiah is here or there, do not believe, 24 and because there shall arise false messiahs and false prophets, and shall form the miraculous signs to deceive even the elect. 25th Behold I have told you in advance! 26th Therefore, they said to you - "There he is in Postinje" - do not believe it. "There he is in the secret chambers" - do not believe it. 27.-For the arrival of the Son of man to be the lightning which flashed in the East and shed light to the west .....................
33-So, when you see all these things, know that it is near - at the doors. 34.- Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
35-Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass.
36-As for what time and day about how nobody knows anything, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37.-As was the Nojino time, so will be the coming of the Son of Man,
38.-As people are eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, during what came before sinking, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
39's that they never anticipated anything until the flood came and took them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man before .......
42-So: keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming you!
44-Therefore be ye also ready, because the Son of Man coming in a time when you do not expect!
(Luke 17.26-30)
26 to the time before the coming of the Son of Man will be just like it was in Noah's day, 27-when eating and drinking, marrying and marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark (a boat). And the flood came and took them all away. 28.-It will be then as in Lot's time, when he ate and drank, bought and sold, they planted and built, 29-But that Lot went out of Sodom, struck fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30.-The same will also happen in that day when the Son of man.
Jesus has not revealed the day of his arrival, but he has not left us in complete ignorance. He gave us and found a variety of signs that would precede His return. About these characters and events tell us the above texts from Scripture. Some will say that these are the "Fairy Tales" improper advanced and developed the times in which we live, others will scoff, saying: "Where is this Jesus, this has already been almost 2,000 g. Of His promise-tion, and all the same .....? Most are not altogether overlook and ignore will be the warnings and admonitions of those they are talking about it. For them, Jesus says that because of his nevjerja "blind and deaf" as it will "look and not see and hear and be heard, because their hearts are numb!" But those who believe in Him and His word and promises, will recognize these signs and the time in which we live and will be prepared to come and meet with their Saviour and Lord. Because only a "reasonable and enlightened by the Holy Spirit of God to understand the Word of God"!
All signs of the coming of Christ can be divided into several groups /
category. These are:
** SIGNS in the physical world - NATURE:
Large natural disasters and natural disasters - earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, typhoons ....
Yes, it was that before, but in the last 50 years are increasingly frequent and devastating. And there are horrific traffic accidents and accidents.
United pollution of earth, air, water, climate change, large ...... ... etc.
** Mean in social and moral FIELD:
Wars, conflicts, rebellions, crisis ..... yes, someone will say, it was always in human history. However, records, and statistics show that it was the 20th century, a century the largest and bloodiest wars and conflicts in human history - two great world wars with many-millions of victims and huge destruction, involving most of the people and countries that have had impact on the all mankind ........ After World War 2 constantly event conflicts and wars in some parts of the world. By the 20th century all the wars in history were
"Local character" and were led in front -bojisnicama outside human settlements - an emperor / king against another, one army against another ...... but by the early 20th century onwards every war / conflict interferes more nations and has global significance. Hunger, disease, epidemic .... yes, there is always that .... but in the second half of the 20th century, human society as a whole is becoming richer, but despite the millions of starving and barely surviving.
Science and technology are advancing strongly, but people are increasingly alienated and indeterminate / bescutniji one against the other. The main gods of our time are money-MATERIJALIZAM- KONZUMERIZAM- HEDONIZAM. And what humanity is all the more connected globally, the basic core of human society - the family - is crumbling. Marriage is also in crisis, there are more divorces and more people living in extramarital relationships, particularly in the western Christian world.
- Since the 60s of the 20th century onwards rapidly spreads wickedness and unbelief in Western Christian civilization. This was contributed to various movements "for the liberation and equality of women", "sexual revolution"
"Freedom without restrictions", and the motto becomes -Uživaj life anything more you can! God and His commandments are forgotten and rejected, no more no sin nor shame, everything is tolerated or accepted, the negative trends are tremendously fast cheeses and accept mass.
The consequence of infidelity and impiety (lack of fear of God) is just bigger and bigger moral corruption and degradation of society!
An increasing number of terrible crimes, violence, alcoholism, drug use, sexual perversion (homosexuality, pedophilia, pornography .....), fornication, adultery (adultery), promiscuity, incest ...... .. all in the name of so-called. "Sexual freedom and personal orientations", public nudity body, "unisex" mode (the same clothing for men and women, a similar appearance and behavior), disobedience and insubordination to parents of children, disrespect ... itd.itd old. Everything is tolerated and nothing is bad nor shameful as it used to be. All this shows that humanity has reached a very low level of morality and continuously sinking into immorality of every kind, deeper and deeper. And it is also foretold in the Word of God.
(2.Poslanica Timothy 3.1-4)
"But know this, that in the past will be days perilous times, the second-because people will be self-centered, greedy, vain, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, ye of little faith, 3-without love, unforgiving, slanderers, unruly, arrogant The enemies of good, 4-traitors, short tempered, rowdy, lovers of pleasure rather than God. "
** SIGNS in matters of religion:
Will be prevailing wickedness, betrayal, false external and formalistic piety, false external "unity and tolerance", many cults and sects will spread and many will be deceived, great confusion will reign in the religious field and many will speak "in the name of God". It will be much rugač as to the coming of Jesus. Love will grow cold, and iniquity will spread. Many will get discouraged and lose faith because of the growing corruption, evil and injustice in the world asking - "Why does God leave it all?" - forgetting that all evil people make to each other. There shall be false prophets, messiahs, teachers who will deceive many.
And finally, one of the biggest signs of the soon coming of Christ - to preaching the gospel all over the world! This prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes to the obvious and so miraculous that only "blind"
do not see it. The Gospel is preached in hundreds of languages and dialects, and the Bible has been translated into almost all languages, printed in hundreds of thousands of copies and is available to everyone. And it is still not so long ago, was unthinkable. In addition, the Gospel is preached through the press, radio, TV, satellite, Internet ...
(Matthew 24.14)
"This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world, all the nations of the testimony, and then the end will come."
When people talk about the signs of Christ's coming, they usually say - well, it has always been wars, famines, diseases, earthquakes, floods ..... etc. Yes, it is, but these troubles are only part of biblical prophecies. But never in the history of all the prophecies of Jesus' arrival did not meet so fast and before the eyes of a generation, as it is today - and wars, accidents, disease, hunger, wickedness, false religions and the prophets, the disappearance of the fear of God and the moral depravity, the tremendous growth but knowledge and lawlessness, people are obsessed with only earthly (material) goods and indifferent towards spiritual values "deaf and blind" to the word of God - "you will listen and will hear and see and will not see", because they will be involved in their work and concerns. Eg. In the past, people were very religious and God-fearing, and took care of their salvation and were willing to give all for the salvation of their souls. Not today!
But one of the signs of Christ's coming is just amazing fills the eyes of the present human generation, and this is - preaching and spreading the gospel-the good news of Jesus Christ, which for centuries was forbidden and impossible! And today it is possible !!!
As for knowledge, humanity is in the last hundred years invented and discovered more than in all previous history. The whole world has become one big and connected global village where everything is spread. That is why Jesus said:
(Matthew 24.33,34)
33 .- "So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is close-at the doors!
34 Truly, I say to you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things take place (happen). "
So, Jesus says that the generation that is living in recent years before his coming will all watch it and listen to it was predicted on arrival, they will literally watch and listen to the fulfillment of prophecies. And it is precisely this generation who lives in the present time!
There is another important sign of Jesus' soon return, and that we must mention to complete the picture - and that is the emergence of the state of Israel in 1948
Through the prophet Isaiah, God said, that the rest of his people gather from all over the world and come back to their country:
(Isaiah 11.11,12) - In that day the Lord will hand a second time to recover the remnant of his people, those other, from Assyria, and from Egypt, from Pathros, and from Elam, from Shinar, Hamath islands of the sea, 12-erected if standard for the nations and gather the displaced will gather Israel and dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
Is not that amazing - Walls (Israelicani) were people persecuted and without his country for almost 2000 years, and then finally 60 years ago. get their own independent state in which they moved from all over the world! The prophecy was fulfilled exactly!
License plates marked with the State of Israel for many are a sure sign that Jesus will come soon.
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