Friday, June 12, 2015

Genocide aliens destroy life on Mars

CHICAGO ancient life and the supposed civilization on Mars was destroyed by aliens, the heavily armed terrible, nuclear weapons, says Dr. John Brandenburg.


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The physicist and expert on missile drives warns that a similar attack could happen to us on Earth.

In his research, 'The evidence of massive thermonuclear explosions on Mars in the past, cidonijska hypothesis and the Fermi paradox' Brandenburg concludes that in our stellar neighborhood is inhabited by aliens who do not like the young and noisy civilization, like ours.

For the same reason aliens into the distant past to take the nuclear genome to Mars, says Brandenburg.

The physicist calls for evidence according to which on Mars there were two unimaginably powerful nuclear explosion. The red color of the surface of Mars inspired particularly from the consequences of such an explosion.

Brandenburg is still 2011 claimed that the specific red color caused by natural nuclear reactions on the surface of the planet, but in the meantime, has come up with new findings that led him to seek a new culprit for unexplained phenomena on a nearby planet. recently Mars Odyssey probe into the atmosphere of Mars found a large concentration of xenon-129, the isotope that is in the same concentrations in the earth occurs in places like Chernobyl.

'In view of the large amounts of nuclear isotopes in the Martian atmosphere reminiscent of those created after testing hydrogen bombs, Mars perhaps an example of the planet where life is erased by a nuclear attack from space, "says Brandenburg.

An interesting theory that has not met with approval in scientific circles. Colleagues dr. Brandenburg agree that Mars shows signs of nuclear reactions in the past, but most believe that it is a natural reaction, not a genocidal attack of aliens who are bothered by the noise in the neighborhood.

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