Thursday, June 11, 2015

The secret of rapid weight loss

Six Steps to Success

When it comes to weight loss, Dr. Mehmet Oz (which was first made famous Oprah in his prime years, talk show) knows all about this topic. Since he launched his own TV show in 2009 he met and introduced hundreds of people who have lost over 50 pounds just by changing their own bad habits.

The most important secret which he learned from those who have failed to lose weight in the long run - is to find and keep the motivation. "When people start to lose weight, feel good and they are excited to lose excess weight. But, sooner or later, lose weight temporarily stopped and then many lose the will to persevere in their efforts. To prevent this adopt a few simple lifestyle changes. The goal that these changes become permanent, "says Oz.

Successful doctor helps you to deal with the most common barriers to weight loss "kill" the motivation, and so you can download 2, 5, 10 or more pounds and prevent weight gain again.

I do not know what you ate for breakfast?

Dr. Oz says: Every morning, eat the same food.

A recent survey showed that women who consumed one and the same meal every day bring an average of 100 fewer calories throughout the day. The best time when you can transfer into practice in the morning. Your body has fasted all night, and you are preparing for the day ahead. Start the day with 2.5 ounces of yogurt with oatmeal and blueberries (or other seasonal fruit, and can be defrosted fruit). This dish has enough protein, carbohydrates and vitamins - and a real energy bomb to start the day.

No time to cook healthy meals?

Dr. Oz says: Make abundant dinner!

Lately, the only meal where everyone in the family involved is dinner. Given that often do not have time to cook a healthy lunch, why not make more food for dinner the day before, and remains ate for lunch the next day? So you will be sure to eat healthy. This applies to a whole range of foods, including stews (just make sure you do not put them in potato because it should not reheat). That when you have more time - let's say on Sunday - you can and advance to prepare more meals for the week and freeze them. Do not waste your time each day for washing vegetables for salad (or preparation of vegetable or fruit snacks) - and vegetables (those who can) prepare pre - wash, clean, chop and place in appropriate containers that can be tightly closed (and preferably vacuum-)

Healthy eating seems to be too expensive?

Dr. Oz says: Do not buy everything fresh

You may need more creativity and effort to get healthy nutrients, but a recent study conducted in the US showed that, when taking into account the price per serving, healthy and unhealthy foods cost about the same. Is it the same with us, we're not sure, but the fact is that a lot of it depends on the season in which we find ourselves. Currently, the markets may still relatively affordable to buy vegetables and fruits, but when they come winter months will be more difficult to get them at an affordable price. When prices start to grow a good idea to switch to frozen or canned products (eg tomatoes and beans) which are sometimes nutritionally very similar to fresh food. In some cases, some foods even healthier frozen because the food, once harvested, quickly begins to lose nutrients. Because the food is usually frozen and canned immediately - often you get the maximum nutritional value. So, buy vegetables and fruits in season and out of her switch to buying frozen products - or better yet alone in the freezer during the season make the stocks of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Always back any weight you lose?

Dr. Oz says: Find an activity you enjoy.

The worst thing you can do is to, once you lose weight, go back to your old habits. Experts estimate that a third of my weight that we lost back within a year, and the rest within three to five years. Prevent this engagement in a physical activity you enjoy. This may mean exercising at home with videos Renate Sopek, go to Zumba or Tai will be with friends, or go to badminton with precious ... If you love to dance, try a school dance.

You can not control his desire for the wrong food?

Dr. Oz says: Sometimes you treat yourself!

Life does not work on the principle of all or nothing. Studies have shown that the most satisfaction and joy we feel in the first bite of a food. Allow yourself a bite or two (and not - that does not mean a huge bite of hamburger half, but a normal meal), enjoy the taste of your favorite foods, and then leave it alone. Dr. Oz recommends: "Once you eat some favorite cake of chocolate, mouth wash with a few sips of water to get rid of the taste out of his mouth, and so as not to constantly think about it. Then I focus on another activity."

Hate to exercise?

Dr. Oz says: Do not force.

Exercising does not have to be painful and exhausting. One of the most recent research conducted at the University of Boston found that people engaged in low-intensity activity, but because for a long time (such as walking) - have a lot more benefits from these activities in terms of health than people who opt for a shorter and more intense exercise. We recently wrote about how it takes a day to make 10,000 steps (and counts each step you take in a day) to start losing weight, and this figure is recommended in Dr. Oz. Get a pedometer, which really is not expensive, and you will be surprised how easily you can increase your figure daily driving steps and with small changes - climbing the stairs rather than the elevator, a short walk around the apartment during the TV commercials ...

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