Friday, June 12, 2015

How much we earn the President’s men? In Croatia

ZAGREB – Asset declarations which are submitted to the Commission for Conflict of Interest confirm that the salaries of officials in the Office of the President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic approximately at the level of salaries of officials of former President Ivo Josipovic. No savings, but the number of 11 officials half that of Josipovic’s team.
GREAT ANALYSIS translator ‘These are the reasons for the sudden reduction in the difference between the SDP and the HDZ
PRESIDENT OF THE DAY CROATIAN DIPLOMACY ‘I will continue to be the first Croatian economic diplomat!’
The president has a net salary of 22,720 kuna, which is about five hundred kuna more than Josipovic, who had a career in the villa Zagorje finished with 22,240 kuna. Kolindin the Office Domagoj Jurcic has a lower salary than she had Vito Turšić who, when he assumed the head of Josipovic’s in March 2012, had a gross salary of 35,042 kuna and a net 20,020 kuna. The current head of Domagoj Jurcic has a gross salary of 29,441 kuna, or 16,950 of net. Turšić remained loyal to the new president as a head of its advisory team and even though his gross amount (26,846 million) slightly lower than Domagoj Jurcic, net receives more than he – 17,933 kuna.
Turšić, “a man for all time,” as it is called in the corridors, on the right treatment thanked the President and by the dužnosnički work that he performed for Josipovic completely erased from his official biography posted on the recently redesigned the website of the Office of the President.
Among the 11 officials in the presidential office, a minimum wage has a spokesman Luka Djuric – gross 21,322, net 12,906 kuna, such as the minimum wage was Josipovic and Head of the Information Office Danja Šilović Karic (19,115 kuna gross or net 11.885 million). After Djuric, the second lowest salaries among officials has the head of protocol Natalia Hmelina, net 13,209 kuna. Hmelina has the thinnest property card, there is no real estate, loans or savings, but only car Opel Marivaux, a gift from his parents.
Among the President’s advisers, the gross wages are around 27,000 kuna, depending on the tax benefits, the number of children and the surtax, the net is between 15,000 and 18,600 kuna.
The highest net salary consultant from Split has Andro Krstulović Opara, 18,572 kuna, and his property card is quite full. Co-owner of a house with land in Split, of 270 square meters, worth 1.5 million kuna, and his wife had inherited a house in Split, of 185 square meters, worth three million kuna. Krstulović wife has a forest in the Split area of ​​1800 square meters and a vineyard more than a thousand square meters, and owns and studios of 24 square meters. The family reported that owns valuable artwork, oil on board, worth 80,000 kunas.
Most properties in his declaration of assets reported a longtime Secretary in the Office of the President Miriam Katulić. She has an apartment in Zagreb of 150 square meters and three cottages on the island of Pag. One of 100 square meters, the other of 78 and a third of the 64 squares. My husband has two apartments in Zagreb, studio apartment of 24 square meters, apartment of 69 square meters, and one hundred square meters of office space. The owners and large orchards and fields in Buševac and Josipovićeva.
Property cards former head of SOA Joseph Buljevic interesting in particular in one detail. And that is extremely favorable loan to Privredna banka Zagreb 170,000 euros which received while working in the SOA under preferential terms to only two per cent annual interest. Buljević stated that He is a journalist and that is not a member of any party. The father of two children, her husband is unemployed. The owner is a spacious apartment of 94 square meters in Zagreb, with a garage and another of 45 meters square in Split.
Advisor for Internal Policy Mate RADELJIĆ, however, others owed money because state that has a claim of 115,000 kuna from 19. 3. 2015. The owner of the apartment in Osijek from 81 square meters in Zagreb of 42 square meters, and there are still 23 residential squares in Omis.
Revenue officials Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia
Gross: 39.613 kuna
net: 22.720 HRK
Domagoj Jurcic, the Office
gross: 29441
net: 16.950
Andro Krstulović Opara, counselor for social affairs
Gross: 27.720
net: 18.572
Vito Turšić, director of the Advisory Team
Gross: 26.846
net: 17.933
Miriam Katulić, Secretary General
Gross: 29.094
net: 16.190
Anamaria Kirinic, Head of Cabinet
Gross: 27.720
net: 15.610
Joseph Buljević, National Security Advisor
Gross: 27.538
net: 17.446
Dario Mihelin, Foreign Policy Advisor
Gross: 26.846
net: 15.241
Mate Radeljic, Advisor for Internal Policy
Gross: 27.346
net: 16.924
Mladen Pavic, counselor for agriculture and EU funds
Gross: 26.597
net: 16.608
Natalia Hmelina, Chief Protocol
Gross: 22.037
net: 13.209
Luka Djuric, a spokesman
Gross: 21.322
net: 12.906
Reconciliation in Brezovica
It is known that due to Tito’s eviction order from the Office of the President of the anti fascist federation canceled the President of the Republic has already accepted the patronage of the central celebration of the 70th anniversary of victory over fascism and the Second World War. It seems that at a meeting on Tuesday to Pantovačaku somewhat smooth the damaged relations, since they are from the SABA announced that the president come in Brezovica forest on June 22 to mark the Day of Anti-Fascist Resistance, and this will be an opportunity to address the crowd. Habulin Francis, president of the SABA, said the conversation was cordial, but that anti-fascists are not deviated from his stance that for them Tito and fascism indivisible. On this occasion, protesting the removal order and the president warned of his right hand, which marginalises the value of the National Liberation War and the victory over fascism. President of the Republic agreed with the representatives of the SABA on the values ​​of anti-fascism, but are not nearly agreed on Tito’s role. In a statement from the president’s office pointed out that Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic members of the SABA explained his reasons for moving to the museum, expressed the desire for a constructive conversation and pointed out that anti-fascism civilizational value that is at the foundation of Croatian attitudes

World"s war and reasons

World wars, two direct global armed conflict leading European and world powers and their allies, joined in the military-political coalition, in the period 1914-18 (World War I) and 1939-45 (World War II). We held to defend or acquire the world's political, military and economic supremacy. World wars were comprehensive, massive and global armed conflicts, in the preparation or conduct which involved all the social strata in which they were engaged all the forces and resources of the warring states and coalitions. By the number of casualties, but the material and the destruction of human resources, world wars had very severe consequences for humanity. Nevertheless, at the same time were the crucial events in the world history of the XX. Century. In addition to these two global conflicts, some features of World War II had a → Seven Years War, which took place from 1,756th to 1,763th conducted in Europe, North America and Asia .

The First World War, military conflict between members → Entente (Britain, France and Russia) and their allies (Italy, USA, Japan, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Greece and others.) And a member of the Triple Alliance, or → Central Powers ( Germany and Austria-Hungary) and their allies (the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria) on 28 July. 1914th to 11th XI. In 1918 the First World War took part in 36 countries for a total of 54, and a war waged on the territory of 14 countries. They were destroyed huge amounts of material goods, mortally wounded and injured millions of people. In it was attended by about 70 million people, of which about 10 million dead and 21 million wounded. Given the fact that World War I was a positional or trench warfare, most of the dead and wounded were soldiers.

Cause. The main cause of the outbreak of the First World War were disagreements between the members of the Entente and their allies, and a member of the Central Powers and their allies around the maintenance and expansion of national and colonial empires (→ imperialism, colonialism). Germany entered the war in order of their rivals and commandeered colony areas of influence and achieve world domination. Austria-Hungary entered the war to entrench the supremacy in Central Europe, the Balkans and the Adriatic and the Aegean Sea. The main objectives of the United Kingdom were the preservation of their own colonial empire and weakening Germany as the main and dangerous rival. And France entered the war in order to preserve the colonial empire, weakened Germany and regained Alsace and Lorraine, which she took Germany in the war of 1870-71. Imperial Russia was fighting for influence in the Balkans and the Ottoman Empire, for Galicia and Bukovina, but also for the Dardanelles, ie. To exit the Mediterranean Sea. Japan sought to strengthen its influence in China and recapture the German possessions in the Pacific. Thai requirements encompass South Tyrol, Slovenian Adriatic coast with Trieste, Istria, part of Dalmatia and Albania, Antalya and Izmir in Asia and the expansion of the Italian colony in Africa. At the outbreak of the war also affected: permanent tensions in a complex system of alliances established after 1870 that began to prostrate, arms races, internal political situation in certain countries (especially Germany) or the erroneous perception of a possible conflict (the general opinion in most countries was that war would be over by the end of 1914) and weak diplomatic communications.

The occasion. As a pretext for war served Sarajevo assassination June 28. In 1914, when he was assassinated the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Austria-Hungary has decided to take advantage of the attack to deal with Serbia, although it could not assume that the attack on Serbia - considering the Russian interests in the Balkans and tensions in international relations - cause a general war. Driven by Germany, Austria-Hungary on 23 July. Serbian government handed an ultimatum. By rejecting that part of the ultimatum as a sovereign state could accept, Serbia has expressed willingness to submit to the decision of the International Court in The Hague. Austria-Hungary on the 25th July. broke diplomatic relations and July 28. Serbia announced the war. Germany declared war on Russia, August 1 (since this move to Austria-Hungary from July 28, July 29 responded. Partial mobilization, and the next day and the general), followed by August 3. and France. United Kingdom indicated it war on Germany on August 4., As this violated the neutrality and sovereignty of Belgium; Montenegro joined Serbia 5. VIII. declaration of war on Austria-Hungary, which was the same day declared war on Russia; Italy did not join partners in the Triple Alliance, but at first declared neutral, and then moved in the opposite camp. In this way, already in the beginning of the war was drawn eight European countries: Russia, France, Great Britain, Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro on the one hand, and Germany and Austria-Hungary on the other.

Overwhelming military superiority of the Entente was more apparent than real. After the aptness and technical equipment with the German army could somewhat measured only French. At sea, the Entente was much superior. This enabled it to conduct effective blockade of the Central Powers, which has become one of the most important factors of the war.

The course of the war in 1914 .. In the beginning of the war in Europe had been established three fronts: the West, where there was fighting between the German army on the one hand, and the French, Belgian and British army on the other side; East, where the Russian army clashed with the Austro-Hungarian and German armies; Balkan, where they fought the Austro-Hungarian, Montenegrin and Serbian forces.

War operations were first started on the Western front. Starting from the basic strategic idea to first defeat France and that forces then move east to a confrontation with Russia, the Germans in the west to France and Belgium have focused much of its army. Since the defense eastern French border from Belfort to Verdun considered insurmountable, the German General Staff, in the spirit of the military doctrine of Field Marshal A. von Schlieffen (Schlieffenplan), 2/3 of the power-oriented Western battleground grouped on the right (Section Aachen-Metz ). The basic idea was to lower, left-winger in the first stage to limit the active defense along the German-French border, while a strong impact on the right wing group should invade through Belgium into northern France. In the second stage of the French army, covered with pliers, should be destroyed concentric action of all German forces.

In line with this plan, the Germans 1-2. VIII. 1914 took a neutral Luxembourg without a declaration of war, and August 3. violated the neutrality of Belgium and quickly penetrated the Franco-Belgian border. Calculating that the German pincer movement across Belgium have limited character, the French supreme commander General JJC Joffre assembled his main forces in northeast triangle of France (the French-German border) in accordance with their offensive plans in a general northeast direction. When they clearly showed the German intentions, Joffre began to strengthen the left wing, but too late to keep the Germans on the French-Belgian border. Fighting 20-24. VIII., Known as the Battle of the Border, the French have failed and began withdrawing to Paris. Since the renewed attempts to keep the German offensive ended in failure place Saint-Quentin (August 28) and Guise (August 29), Joffre was forced to withdraw south of the Marne, at the same time creating favorable operating conditions for a counteroffensive. In the famous Battle of the Marne (5-12. IX, sporadic fighting until 19 September) the Germans were attacked and forced to retreat, after which the Chief of the German General Staff, General Helmuth Johannes Ludwig von Moltke was removed; he was replaced by General E. von Falkenhayn. The defeat of German forces at the Battle of the Marne distracted by the war plan of Germany to the rapid victory ends the First World War.

After the failure of the Marne the Germans retreated to the river Aisne, where the battlefield stabilized. The mutual attempt to cover the opponent's west wing, in the next three months, the focus of operations transferred to the west all the way to the North Sea, which make the operation called Race to the sea. Finally, due to mutual exhaustion battlefield stabilized in October, and in the hands of the Germans remained almost the whole of Belgium and several sjevernofrancuskih departments. There was a period of position or trench war.

In the east, the operation began on the 17th August. Russian 1st and 2nd Army General James Grigorjeviča Žilinskog crossed into attack before completing the grouping to facilitate the difficult position of the French. The plan foresaw the destruction of German forces in East Prussia (8th Army under the command of Maximilian von und Gaffron Prittwitz) concentric attack the 1st and 2nd Army north and south of the Masurian lakes. Although the battle of Gumbinnen 20 August. Russian army defeated the German troops and occupied East Prussia, the German counterattacks was in the battle of Tannenberg (26-31. VIII) destroyed the Russian second army, while the first Russian army morale after the defeat in the battle of the Masurian Lakes (7-14 . IX) with heavy losses to withdraw to the right bank of the river Neman.

In parallel with the fighting in East Prussia led operations in Galicia between the Russian army under the command of General Nikolai Ivanov and Iudoviča main Austro-Hungarian forces under the direct command of the Chief of General Staff General F. Conrad von Hötzendorf. As both sides had offensive plans, there was a period in the 26th-August 17th IX. a series of battles and operations known as The Galician battle, which ended the Russians; Austria-Hungary lost 400 000 people, and Russia 230, 000.

After the victory in Galicia Russian General Staff had planned an offensive to Silesia to put pressure on Germany. At the same time the Germans with newly 9th Army planned offensive from Silesia in the background of the Russian side and the south-west of the battlefield to help the Austro-Hungarian ally. German forces began to advance on 28 September., And their offensive joined the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Austro-Hungarian Army. Although these joint forces achieved some initial successes knocking October 12, from Warsaw, their offensive suffered a setback. Under pressure from the Russians, the Germans were forced to withdraw to the border of Silesia. On the battlefield against the Austro-Hungarian Russian forces crossed the river in San struggles 22-26. X. a fight the first Austro-Hungarian army.

After rejecting the German 9th Army in Silesia, the Russian General Staff planned the raid four army deep into Germany. This led to a series of heavy fighting west of the Vistula, with heavy losses on both sides. Due to exhaustion opponents were buried in trenches. The end of December 1914 on the Eastern Front war turned into position.

On the Balkan battlefield, the commander of the Austro-Hungarian Balkan army general O. von Potiorek moved in attack on 12 August. the main forces (5th and 6th Army) over the Drina River, but after the defeat in the Battle on Mount Cer (Battle of Cer) 11-12. VIII. was forced to withdraw. It is a retreat used the Serbian army under the command of R. Traveller and penetrated in Srem. Soon, however, had to withdraw south of the Sava, because Potiorek launched a new offensive in Bosnia. After that have been developed to 11 XI. fight known as the Battle of the River Drina. It was the Austro-Hungarian army occupied northern part of Serbia, but the Serbian army December 3. took the counterattack. In the Battle of Kolubara broke the 5 and 6 Austro-Hungarian army and in 13 days kicked opponents with their territory. This is the front line was re-established on the Sava and Drina.

While in Europe the Entente forces fought with the Central Powers, the Japanese after joining the war (23 August) easily wrested from Germany Qingdao in China's Shandong Province and islands in the Pacific Ocean. Operations for Japan virtually completed in November 1914. During the war, he gained wealth by selling mainly old weapons allies and put pressure on China, which is particularly evident in the ultimatum in 1915, well-known under the name of the twenty-one application. The Japanese have, among other things, demanded that the Chinese military, police and finance manage their officers and officers as instructors. With the diplomatic support of the United States, China has managed to reject the request, but had to accept a number of others, who are censored its sovereignty.

The entry of the Ottoman Empire in the war (October 29) was one of the most important events in 1914. In the belief that this will preserve their land, the Ottoman Empire decided to Central Powers bringing them in power. Entering the Ottoman Empire in the war stop, in fact, the shortest paths (Bosporus-Dardanelles) between Russia and its allies. In addition, established two new battlefield - the Black Sea and Caucasian, then battleground in Mesopotamia and, later, in Palestine and Syria, where they were engaged considerable strength of the Entente. However, in general, 1914 ended the Central Powers adversely. City lightning victory over one opponent, and then over the other, Germany was forced to fight a war on two fronts, and after the four. By converting the maneuvering of the war in the position of the Central forces found themselves in the position of the besieged fortress.

The course of the war in 1915 .. The Germans were after some hesitation decided to focus operations switch to the Eastern Front to a series of strong attacks neutralize Russia and turned against the French. Following this plan, there has been during the first half of 1915 to a series of battles. In the northern part of the Eastern Front the Germans crossed the offensive from East Prussia 7-22. II. and achieved great success in the winter battle of the Masurian Lakes, but the Russian counter attack the end of February were stopped. The fighting on the Eastern Front reached their peak in early May when the German army under the command of A. von Mackensen 2. See penetrated Russian fronts near the town of Middlesborough and the end of September occupied Galicia, Poland, Volinja, Lithuania and Kurzeme (Kurland). Finally, he settled on the battlefield line Dniester-Gulf of Riga, where he and other winter 1915-16. In general, the offensive in the east in 1915 the Germans were at certain times paralyzed the offensive power of the Russians and thus greatly facilitate the situation of the Austro-Hungarian army, which then together with the German forces could engage more strongly against Serbia but also against Italy, which entered the war (23rd V. 1915).

Engaged in the east, Germans in the west in 1915 limited to small local actions, while the French and the British have taken in that year a series of offensives in Champagne since the end of December 1914 to February 1915, and then again 16 February-20th III. In 1915, in Flanders in March, the end of Arras in May, in Champagne and Artois in September 1915. The main goal of all these initiatives, which are of the order of finish without much success, either relief of Russians, in what was only partially successful.

Unable to break through the German front lines in the West, the Entente powers decided in early 1915 to carry out Dardanelsku operation against the Ottoman Empire in order to get across the straits link with Russia, expel the Ottoman Empire out of the war, accelerate decision of Greece and Romania on the entry into the war and coercion Bulgaria to decide for Entente. Since the idea has not been matched with the commander of the Army, who thought that the war can be won only on the Western Front, the operation in February 1915 alone began the British Navy. She artillery 19 and 25 II. ruined fort at the entrance to the Dardanelles, but the attack warships to the main defense line in the strait was defeated. After many hesitations that marked the entire course of the operation, which for the most part and was the cause of the failure, the fight finally introduced ground forces (expeditionary corps with 65 000 people). Desant 25th September. and the forces at Gallipoli established two bridgeheads, but their fifth Ottoman army under the command of German General Otto Liman von Sanders and Kemal Pasha (Ataturk MK) is not allowed to move on from them. Heavy fighting had been for months. Finally, in a bay SUVLAH (north of the existing bridgehead) in August was unloaded five divisions, but there were no significant results. When the end of the year, Germany has established a direct connection with the Ottoman Empire over Serbia and Bulgaria, the position of allied forces at Gallipoli has become a critical, but at the end of 1915 and beginning of 1916 was evacuated to Thessalonica (January 9, 1916), where he founded new battlefield (Thessaloniki battlefield). A previous attempt by the Ottoman (February 1915) to capture the Suez Canal failed.

At the outset of the war, Italy was declared neutral, demanding as the price neutrality of the Austro-Hungarian South Tyrol and Istria. At the same time led secret negotiations with the Entente on the entry into the war on her side when her entitlement to Trento, Trieste, Slovenian Adriatic coast, Istria, part of Dalmatia and Albania, and the right to the Ottoman province of Antalya and Izmir, the expansion of colonies in Africa and others. Since the Treaty of London (26th April, 1915) United Kingdom, France and Russia have largely complied with the requirements of Italian, Italy agreed with the Entente. This was in May 1915 in Europe was created yet another battleground, Italian. On it was the Italians from June to December 1915, led four offensive almost no results: the main target of the attack, the conquest of Gorizia (Gorica), was not achieved.

For Balkan battlefield year. 1915 was decisive. Since Germany and Austria-Hungary agreement since September 1915 meet the bug. territorial claims towards Macedonia and the Morava Valley, promising her while Dobrudja and Thrace if Romania and Greece pass on the side of the Entente, Bulgaria in October 1915 agreed with the Central Powers. After the Austro-Hungarian, Bulgarian and German army attacked Serbia and its army forced the end of November to the withdrawal through Albania to the Adriatic coast, where the Serbian forces in January 1916 accepted the Allies and transferred them to Corfu.

When Serbia was occupied, the Austro-Hungarian forces attacked Montenegro and after a busy Lovcen and Cetinje in the first half of January 1916, penetrated into northern Albania. Exploits of the Entente to prevent the collapse of the Balkan battlefield came too late.

In the second year of the war operations were conducted in the colonies. Since August 1914, Togo lost, the Germans midst. 1915 were expelled from southwest Africa, and in 1916 from Cameroon. In German East Africa was fighting until the end of the war, where Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck successfully applied tactics of guerrilla warfare.

At sea, there has been the decisive conflict is not, and neither of the previous year. More important are the clashes occurred on November 1. 1914 end of the Chilean city of Coronel, when he returned to Germany, the German Far Eastern squadron beat a weaker British squadron, and then they had the British 8th of December. mostly destroyed by the end of the Falkland Islands. The first major naval battle between ships of the British and the German navy has been 24 I. 1915 the end of Dogger Bank in the North Sea. The battle is over the rout of the Germans, who lost the battle cruiser Blücher.

The second year of the war as a whole ended favorably for the Central Powers, but their successes were not decisive.

The course of the war in 1916 .. Considering that them from the Russians not at serious risk, the Germans transferred the focus of the operation again on the west end and tried to break Verdun France, assuming that this almost exhausted. Responsible factors Entente expect the solution in synchronized operations in all three major fronts: the Western, the Eastern and Italian.

Germans February 21. began Verdun battle, which lasted intermittently until 14 July. On both sides were in combat immense power, and losses were very large. From the machine is thrown out almost half a million people on each side. In this battle exhaustion victory went to the French, because they defend Verdun, which became a symbol of their military superiority.

Anglo-French army began July 1. Battle of the Somme in order to break through the German front lines. The battle in which the British first used tanks (15 September) dragged on until the 18 November. and the aim of the offensive was not achieved. The losses were even greater than the end Verdun. On the Allied side was out of action for more than 700 000 people, and on the German side of the nearly 600, 000.

Contrary to the assessment of the inability of the Germans the Russians for offensive actions, the Russian High Command planned in mid-June a comprehensive offensive almost along the entire Eastern Front. At the request of the French, pressed the end Verdun, Russian forces crossed the 18th III. the offensive, but the direct results of the Germans were not achieved; summer offensive of General AA Brusilov against the Austro-Hungarian forces bore fruit. From June to August Brusilov took Bukovina and part of Galicia and appeared on the Carpathian passes, and the Russians have captured more than 400 000 soldiers. The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian battlefield and failure end Verdun was dismissed E. von Falkenhayn, and succeeded by P. von Hindenburg and Ludendorff E.. Encouraged by the Russian successes, and in the belief that it will easily occupy areas of Austria-Hungary inhabited by Romanians, Romania on 27 August. entered the war on the side of the Entente. Like Italy, Romania was an ally of Germany and Austria-Hungary since 1880, but is considered useful to the appropriate time associated with the state of the Entente, as are the Bucharest agreement of August 1916, promised Transylvania (Transylvania), and Bukovina Banat. But after the entry into the war, the Romanian Army suffered by December 1916 collapse of concentric offensive 9th German and Austro-Hungarian 1st Army from Transylvania and Mackensen group of 11 Bulgarian, German and Ottoman division of Dobrogea. He has lost a large part of Romania, together with Bucharest (6th December), and the remains of the army withdrew behind the Russian front line based on the Sireta.

The Italian theater of war in 1916 there were no significant changes. Italians March 11. began his fifth offensive in Sochi, which ended at the end of the month with no results. Austro-Hungarian forces have taken the offensive in Trento to inflammation in the Venetian plain behind the main Italian forces in Sochi. The offensive began in 15. See initially had some success, after which the Italian main command has already begun to think about the withdrawal of the Soca and in Carinthia, which led to the fall of the government. However, on 16 June. attacks were suspended because it should urgently send an army to the east against the forces of General Brusilov, the Italians counter attack hijacked part of the lost areas. Italians in August in the sixth battle at Sochi finally took Gorizia, but in the following three battles have failed to break through to Trieste.

In August there was a stronger first skirmishes on the Salonika front. Bulgarians crossed in the middle attack. August and took Florin. To prevent the collapse of Romania, the Allies on 12 September. switch to a counterattack. In heavy fighting Serbian army took on 30 September. Kajmakčalan and together with the French 19th November. entered in Bitola. The offensive was completed in early December a significant tactical success but a strategic goal was not achieved.

And Asian-Ottoman battlefield were active. In the Caucasus and the Black Sea battlefield Russians in January moved to the offensive, in February took Erzurum in April Trabzon (Trebizond), and in May of Erzincan. Counter attack (in August) 2. Army, transferred from Thrace, the Ottomans were not appreciable change the situation. Mean. July Ottomans again taken futile action for occupancy of Suez. By the end of the year they had to leave the Sinai peninsula and the British, who with a lot of success (TE Lawrence) raised the Arabs against the Ottomans. Britain, France and Russia have already shared among themselves the Ottoman Empire. The contract of 4 III. Russia were recognized with the Istanbul straits and the northern part of the Ottoman Armenia. For her part, she recognized the right of Britons to Iran, or the right of the British and French in Palestine. Britain and France Agreement of 15 V. determine their spheres of interest in azijskome part of the Ottoman Empire in the way that France is given freedom of action in the southern part of the Ottoman Armenia and southwestern part of Asia Minor, and the United Kingdom in Iran. It was anticipated also to create Arab states Transjordan under British rule, and Syria, under French rule.

At sea on 31 V 1916 finally clashed main forces of the British and German fleets in Jyllandskoj battle, in which the German side involved 99 ships and the British 150. On that occasion, the British lost 3 battle cruisers, 3 armored cruisers, 8 destroyers, the Germans 1 battleship, 1 battle cruiser, four destroyers, cruisers and 5. Victory went to the British as the Germans broke up the battle and retreated to the base.

Neither in 1916 were not achieved a decisive strategic solutions. As time was the Entente, Central forces at the end of the year was in a more difficult situation than at its beginning. They then realized that they can not win the war, and in September submitted to President Th. W. Wilson to mediate for peace, and the 12th of December. Germany on behalf of the Central Powers proposed Entente to start peace talks. The starting point should be recognition of the German conquest. This proposal Entente refused.

The course of the war in 1917 .. In that year, both sides weighed as soon as possible to end the war in their favor. In addition to exhaustion stocks of raw materials and ingredients, especially in the camp of the Central Powers and Russia, it is largely influenced by the growing dissatisfaction with the war in the broader layers. In Russia erupted two revolutions, the first of which paralyzed the Russian army, and another forced her to withdraw from the war.

Due to large losses and unfavorable balance of forces, the central force in 1917 decided on a strategic attack on the mainland. At the same time, the Germans resorted to the unlimited podmorničkomu war, which began on February 1. In the 1917 war on the side of the Entente entered April 6. 1917 United States, which since the beginning of the war was favorable to the Entente and helped her. Despite strong isolationist stream, the US government made a decision on the entry into the war, for fear the victory of German imperialism, who aspired to world supremacy. The German submarine sunk American ships reckless, This angered the American public opinion and was the direct cause for the American declaration of war against the Central Powers.

Entente for 1917 had offensive plans, and the general attack on all fronts was to begin in the first half of February Previously, in France in December 1916 in place of the ousted generals Joffrea was set general RG Nivelle. The common plan allies disrupted, however, the February Revolution in Russia. Although the Russian Provisional Government AF Kerensky continued war, the offensive at the front had to because of internal events to be delayed.

The Aisnei in Champagne Western allies have taken the offensive with considerable delay. Began by British troops until April 9. This was used by German troops to the French before the start of the offensive on 16 April. withdrew the Siegfried line. Although, according to input power (more than a million people) Nivelle offensive was the largest undertaking of the First World War, and its aim was the destruction of the main German forces on the Western Front, it has given almost no results, and in May was suspended. It was decided to wait for the recovery of the Russian army and the arrival of the Americans on the Western Front. Meanwhile, due to heavy losses of the French army, but also the entire country, affecting a powerful anti-war movement in some units there were riots in the factory strikes. Discipline in the army somewhat again was established during the summer of tough measures General Ph. Pétain, who succeeded Nivelle the position of the supreme commander. After that Pétain was launched less offensive: Verdun place in August and the Aisnei in October, but they have made only limited tactical and operational results.

In order to relieve the French army, the British from June to November led the battle in Flanders. In addition to its own victims of the 400 000 dead, wounded and captured, the British had inflicted heavy losses on the Germans, but the battlefields are not breached. Neither the use of tanks end Cambrai end of November did not produce decisive results.

After a few months of calm, in early July was again revived Eastern Front. AF Kerensky Provisional Government launched a new Russian offensive in eastern Galicia and Bukovina. Troops in the southwest part of the Eastern Front crossed into attack July 1., And after a few days and troops from the western and northwestern parts of the battlefield. After some initial success, the offensive on 16 July. had to be interrupted because the entire unit refused to obey orders. Using the circumstance that the Russian soldiers refused to continue to fight, Austro-Hungarian and German army broke through on 19 July. counter attack end Ternopil Russian fronts and occasionally penetrated into Russia 150 km. The Russians were pushed back from Bukovina and part of eastern Galicia. In the northern part of the Eastern Front Germans occupied Riga in early September. Dissatisfaction with Russian troops on the front lines and behind the policy of the Russian government led to the outbreak of the October Revolution (7 November. 1917, or October 25, according to the Julian calendar), and to the withdrawal of Russia from the war. End of November the Soviet government addressed all warring countries with a proposal for a peace without annexations and contributions. Member of the Entente was rejected, but they have accepted the Central Powers, which provided an opportunity to liberate the immense power related to the Eastern Front. They signed a truce with Russia December 5. Since Russia came out of the war, and Romania was forced to sign peace with the Central Powers (7. See 1918).

In the meantime the Italian battlefield also occurred important events. Italians from mid-May to September between the tenth and eleventh battle at Sochi. Although the only visible result of the Italian offensive was taking Banjška plateau, was in danger of possible continuing offensive Italians break the battlefield exhausted Austro-Hungarian army. Therefore, the Germans intervened with its 14th Army and together with the Austro-Hungarian army in the battle of Caporetto (24-27. X 1917) inflicted a severe defeat on the Italian army. After the defeat on the river Tagliamento (30 th October 1917) The Italians in November 1917 retreated to the right bank of the mouth of the Piave to Quera. As the front line stabilized at Piave, the Italian forces were able to with the British and French help reject attempts Austro-Hungarian forces that had the same year break and cross the river.

On other fronts during 1917, there has been no decisive changes. However, the unrestricted submarine war Germans have achieved great success. While 1914-16. be submerged close to 4 million tons of shipping in 1917, sank about 6 million tons of Allied and neutral shipping. Catastrophic losses in the fleet threatened the collapse of the whole supply system of Great Britain. In this situation, the British Admiralty to take a series of measures to overcome this danger, and the losses at the end of the year began to decline.

The general balance of the war in 1917 went in favor of the Central Powers, but from the standpoint of the final decision however was negative. Under the burden of loss and deprivation discontent is increasingly growing. In the German war Starfleet open sea (Hochsee-flotte) broke out in August rebellion under the slogan "Peace at any price". It was a rebellion in additional units, and workers' strikes were all massive. In Austria-Hungary the situation was even worse. Although the rebellion in the units and in the background were brutally suppressed, desertions were massive, and the requirements for the end of the war general. The antiwar movements were strong in the countries of the Entente, but in them, and the general economic situation was much more favorable. On their side in the war 29 June. 1917 came and Greece, whose contingents reinforce Allied forces on the Salonika front. She hesitated for a long germanofilskoga mood of King Constantine I .; He was fired even before E. Venizelos, whose government wanted to Greece at the beginning of entry into the war on the side of the Entente. That's the reason I cramp. Army is not 1915, ran in aid to Serbia, although the treaty of alliance was bound to it in case of a bug. attacks. Under pressure from public opinion and its allies, Constantine I had to retire in 1917. In November 1917, the British army carried out large-scale attack on the battlefield the Suez Canal, the 8th of December. took Jerusalem, and by October 1918 and the remaining area.

The course of the war in 1918 .. Based on the success achieved in the previous year, primarily from the fact that the Eastern Front exit of Russia from the war largely ceased to exist, the Germans decided to engage all the forces on the Western front. For its part, Austria-Hungary has pledged to take the offensive to Italy. However, the process of the dissolution of the monarchy took a stronger momentum. This is especially evident in the rebel sailors on 40 warships in the Bay of Kotor in early February. Paralysed Austro-Hungarian army was not able to act at the time the defensive in the west to the beginning of the arrival of the stronger American forces, which are in France to a lesser extent, began to arrive in 1917, and from May to October 1918 was arriving from 200,000 to 300,000 soldiers a month.

In preparation for the offensive in the west and later during its lifetime, the Germans and the east occupied large areas, because the Soviet authorities disrupt peace negotiations in Brest-Litovsk. German progress towards Petrograd successfully opposed a February 23. end of Narva and Pskov-roots units of the Red Army, but the conditions for peace, concluded March 3., then were much heavier (→ brestlitovski peace). According to the provisions of the peace, Russia is in favor of the Central Powers had to give up Kurlandia (Kurzeme), Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Polish, recognize peace as it is completed before Ukraine, to waive Ardahan and Kars (now Turkey) and Batumi (Georgia today) , agree to demobilization and to pay reparations of 6 billion. gold marks. Moreover, Germans occupation of the Crimea and the movements of its troops to the Donetsk coal basin (Donbass) and Transcaucasia breach of contract and again clashed with the Soviets. Regardless of the Germans, in the attacks on the Soviets also joined the Entente. In the spring of 1918, British and French took Arhangeljsk and Murmansk, and the Japanese and Americans Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai.

In the West, the German offensive began 21 March. 1918. The attack, which involved 65 German divisions, was aimed at the British Department of the frontline between the Somme and Oise. Tactical results were great; to early April the Germans broke the fifth army, and partly the third British army (for 10 days the British have lost more than 173 000 people) and penetrated 60 km into the depth of enemy territory. Battlefield has been breached and was in danger of German wedge separate British and French army. It has forced the allies to set up a joint command, which was entrusted with the French general Foch F. Outstanding tactical success of the Germans, however, have failed to develop the strategic decision, since the beginning of April were held intervention of the French army.

Since the offensive between the Somme and Oise stopped the Germans on 9 April. 36 Division moved into attack in Flanders, also the British Department battlefield. By 20 IV. have achieved substantial tactical successes, but the French reinforcements prevent breakthrough battlefield. Counting on that in two successive attacks by the British considerably weakened, the German High Command has planned against them third attack. In order to bind their reserve Germans previously (27.) with 38 Division attacked the French on a plateau Chemin des Dames. As there were only two French corps, quickly achieved remarkable success. Until May 30, progressed within 60 km in the depth of enemy territory and broke the Marne. The situation for the French was heavy and measures have been taken to evacuate Paris. In early June the Allies asked the President of the United States for immediate assistance. The overall situation of the Germans was even more difficult, regardless of the great successes. Their losses for a little more than two months were greater than 400 000 people, which could not be made good (in spite of the reduction of the occupying troops in the east and draw workers from the industry). The Germans, however, decided on another attack against the French before they will return to the British in Flanders. They took him the middle. of July 47 divisions of the Marne in Champagne, but without result, succeed to see and counter attack US forces end of Chateau-Thierry. Then they gradually started to take the initiative allies, which provided reinforcements and American contingents, so that the third attack against the British and the new German offensive on the Western Front were disabled.

Meanwhile, the failure ended the last Austro-Hungarian offensive on the Italian battlefield (15-23. VI). Despite initial successes, this offensive was soon stopped and ended pulling the Austro-Hungarian troops (21-23. VI) to the starting position on the left bank of the Piave. Although the Italians were again occupied positions on the right bank of the river, by the end of the war did not undertake any major offensive actions.

Superior strength of the Entente models was harder punches materially and morally exhausted the Central Powers. On the Western Front the Germans were forced to retreat from the Marne to the river Aisne and Vesle (18 July-3rd August). Offensive six Anglo-French army end of Amiens forced the Germans to August 8 -3. IX. retreat to the Siegfried Line. After a few days (12 September), for attacking US Democratic Army 1st place Saint-Michel, the Germans were forced to evacuate their prominent positions east of Verdun. Their army was in such a state that the High Command in the presence of Emperor August 14. concluded that the war needs to be done over. In mid-August attempted to make contact with the American and the Belgian government on the issue of Belgium, which was offered the status quo ante, and in September it was requested the mediation of the Dutch queen. Austria-Hungary had gone even further. Not savjetovavši with Germany, it is the 14th September. extended an invitation for peace talks by all States at war, as the Entente rejected.

The first decisive blow was given by the Central Powers on the Salonika front, where the joint Serbian-French troops broke through the front lines 15-18 on the offensive. IX (a mountainous area Nidže, shallots). To which the Bulgarian government asked for an armistice, which was signed on September 29. 1918 (Thessaloniki truce). While the Serbian army penetrated to the west, the Entente troops have focused on Vidin and through Thrace to Istanbul. After the fall of Nis (12th X) Austro-Hungarian army in vain attempted to keep the advancing Allied troops on the Danube and Sava rivers. In the fall of 1918, Austria-Hungary collapsed, and the Emperor Charles I, after it lost power, abdicated on 11 XI. 1918, and the next day left the country (→ Austro-Hungarian). Though November 13. Hungarians in Belgrade signed a cease-fire, the Serbian army in November occupied southern Hungary and, at the invitation of the National Council of Serbs in Sarajevo and Zagreb, 6 XI. came to Sarajevo and 14 November. in Zagreb. The Danube Army, founded by the French and British forces, entered the 10th November. in Romania, as she broke the Bucharest peace treaty, as she dictated by the Central Powers in May 1918, and re-entered on the side of the Entente.

After the defeat in the Balkan battlefield, and then on the Italian, Austria-Hungary ceased to exist. Italians grabbed the offensive on the Piave in the direction of Vittorio Veneto 27th X and soon broke through the front lines, after which the resistance of the Austro-Hungarian army, which has requested a truce October 29, stopped. In Vienna, November 12. proclaimed republic, and 16 November. and Budapest; Czechs after October 28 declared independence. At the same time the war was thrown out and the Ottoman Empire, which is 30 th October signed a truce in Mudros (Moúdhros) on the island of Limnos.

End the war. Germany is experiencing the agony under the blows of the Allied armies and the waves of the inner discontent, which will soon culminate in the revolution. The entire line of the Western battlefields, of the Maas River to the sea, the French, British, American and Belgian forces launched the general offensive September 26. By the end of September and early October, the Germans are in the central part of the front line had to leave the Siegfried line, and in the left wing of the river Suippe retreated behind the Aisne. Under pressure from the Supreme Command of the German government during the night between 3 and 4 September. addressed to US President Th. W. Wilson, asking them to take steps to end the hostilities. While between Berlin and Washington exchanged notes, Allied armies rejected the German army to the line Lys-Hermann-Hunding-Brunhilde, by the German High Command decided to defend the government's position in the upcoming negotiations was firmer. However, when Th. Woodrow Wilson sent the Germans to the Allied High Command, headed by F. Foch, in charge of any conclusion of the armistice, the German High Command withdrew from peace-keeping operations, and called on the army to endure to the end. Due to the unfavorable situation on the battlefield E. Ludendorff resigned (26th X), and the end of October and beginning of November, the Allies broke through the line of more Lys-Hermann-Hunding-Brunhilde. Famine and epidemics, riots in the army (the sailors in Kiel) and many workers revolt led to the military collapse of Germany. Under the threat of revolution, the German High Command 7 November. asked the allies truce, and attitudes. Chancellor Maximilian Alexander Frederick William (Max von Baden) declared on 9 XI. 1918 abdication of Emperor William II. Then place the State Chancellery courtesy of F. Ebert, who is at the beginning of the Student Revolution of 1918 stood at the helm of the Council of National proxies (10th November, 1918) and November 11. 1918 signed the unconditional surrender of Germany. After the German army had to leave all occupied territories to the west and the east, then Alsace, Lorraine and the left bank of the Rhine. The capitulation of the German World War I was over.

Peace conditions. Entente peace terms set by the peace conferences 1919-20; Peace agreements have been signed with Germany at Versailles June 28. In 1919, Austria in Saint-Germain-en-Laye on the 10th September. 1919, Bulgaria in Neuilly 27th XI. In 1919, Hungary in Trianon on June 4. In 1920 the Ottoman Empire in Sèvres 10. VIII. In 1920, Germany was forced to give up all the colonies, to return Alsace and Lorraine in the west and the east of Poznan and part of Pomerania, Prussia and Silesia. The Rhine area was demilitarized and Saarland placed under the administration of the League of Nations. Austrian and Hungarian parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed largely reduced in NAC. border Austrians and Hungarians. The Ottoman Empire was reduced by about a quarter, and Bulgaria for a little more than 11 000 square kilometers. The defeated powers were obligatory for payment of war damages, and their armed forces are kept to a minimum.

Overview of important military and political events preceding World War I and during the war

, 1914.
June 28. In Sarajevo killed the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
23 July. Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia.
July 25. Severance of diplomatic relations between Austria-Hungary and Serbia.
July 28. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia; Russia declared a partial mobilization.
29 July. Russia declared a general mobilization.
August 1. Germany declares war on Russia.
1-2. VIII. Germany occupied Luxembourg.
August 3. He started the German attack on Belgium; Germany declares war on France.
August 4. Great Britain declared war on Germany.
5th August. Montenegro declared war on Austria-Hungary, which was the same day declared war on Russia.
7-26. VIII. The British-French forces occupied the German colony of Togo.
11/12. VIII-24th VIII. Battle of Cer.
17. VIII. She began the Russian offensive in East Prussia.
20. VIII. Battle place Gumbinnen in East Prussia.
20-24. VIII. Border battles on the French-Belgian border.
23 August. The Japanese won the German possession of Qingdao in China's Shandong Province and islands in the Pacific Ocean.
26th August-17th IX. The Galician battle.
On August 28. The defeat of the French army in the battle of Saint-Quentin.
29. VIII. The defeat of the French army in the battle of Guise.
5. IX. Britain, France and Russia signed the Tripartite Agreement (Triple Entente).
5-12. IX. Battle of the Marne.
6 September-11th XI. The Battle of the River Drina.
6 September. Serbian forces penetrated in Srem; soon rejected.
7-14. IX. Battle of the Masurian Lakes.
15 September-15 countries. The so-called X. Race to the sea; start positioning or trench war on the Western front.
28 September. German and Austro-Hungarian offensive on the Eastern Front.
22-26. X. On the battlefield against the Austro-Hungarian Russian forces crossed the river San and fighting a fight the first Austro-Hungarian army.
October 29, the Ottoman Empire entered the war on the side of the Central Powers; the opening of the Black Sea and the Caucasus battlefield to Russia, then the battlefield in Mesopotamia and, later, in Palestine and Syria.
December 3. Battle of Kolubara.
XI-XII. After a series of heavy fighting west of the Vistula between German and Russian forces, the end of December, there has been a lull on the Eastern Front, the war has turned into position.
November 1. Next to the Chilean city Coronel German Far Eastern squadron beat a weaker British squadron.
8th of December. British end Falkland completely destroyed the German Far Flotilla.
XII. 1914-II. 1915 British-French offensive in Champagne.
I. 24th Battle of the British and German squadron end of Dogger Bank in the North Sea.
I-III. At the same time started the German-Austro-Hungarian and Russian offensive along the separation line on the Eastern Front.
4-22. II. Winter battle of the Masurian Lakes.
II 16th-20th III. The British-French offensive in Champagne.
On February 19th. British troops began landing Dardanelska operations.
III. The British-French offensive in Flanders.
V. British-French offensive end Arras.
2. See the German forces launched a new offensive on the Eastern Front; the end of September the Russians were expelled from Galicia, Polish, Volinja, Lithuania and Kurzeme (Kurland); stabilization of the Eastern Front on the line Dniester-Gulf of Riga.
23. See Italy entered the war on the side of the Entente; Opening the Italian battlefield on the Soca river.
July 9. Military forces of the South African Alliance forced the Germans in South West Africa to capitulate.
IX. The British-French offensive in Champagne and Artois.
7th X. began the German and Austro-Hungarian offensive against Serbia.
October 14, Bulgaria entered the war on the side of the Central Powers; Bulgaria started the offensive against Serbia.
XII. 1915-I. 1916 After the defeat in the Battle of Gallipoli, the Entente forces were compelled to leave Thessaloniki, where he founded the new battleground.
I Austro-Hungarian forces occupied Montenegro and northern Albania; evacuation of Serbian forces over Kosovo and Albania to Corfu.
February 21-14. VII. Verdun battle.
II. The Russians won Erzurum in Turkey.
4. III. Britain, France and Russia have agreed the division of the Ottoman Empire.
March 11. Fifth battle at Sochi.
IV. The Russians won Trabzon (Trebizond).
The 15th-16th VI. The Austro-Hungarian offensive in the Trentino.
15. See Agreement Great Britain and France on establishing spheres of interest in azijskome part of the Ottoman Empire.
V. The Russians won Erzincan in Turkey.
31st V-1. VI. Jyllandska battle.
1. VII-18. & XI. The Battle of the Somme.
VIII. Sixth battle of Sochi.
27 August. Romania entered the war on the side of the Entente.
12th September. The offensive power of the Entente on the Thessaloniki front.
September 30. Battle at Kajmakcalan.
6th December. Military collapse and occupation of Romania.
December 12. Germany on behalf of the Central Powers proposed Entente to start peace talks.
. 1917
1. II. Starter unrestricted submarine warfare.
April 6. The United States entered the war on the side of the Entente.
April 9. Nivelle offensive began on Aisnei in Champagne.
16 April. The withdrawal of German forces on the Siegfried line.
V-IX. The tenth and eleventh battle at Sochi.
VI-XI. The battle in Flanders.
27 June. Greece joined the Entente.
29 June. Greece declared war on the Central Powers.
1-16. VII. The Russian offensive in eastern Galicia and Bukovina.
19th July. It started the German-Austro-Hungarian counter-offensive; The Russians were beaten back from Bukovina and part of eastern Galicia.
VIII. Petain offensive end of Verdun.
24-27. X Battle place Kobarid.
On 30 th October Battle of the Tagliamento.
X. Petain offensive on Aisnei.
7 November. The October revolution; Russia's withdrawal from the war.
December 5. Central Powers signed an armistice with Russia.
8th of December. British troops conquered Jerusalem and large parts of Palestine.
III-IV. The second battle of the Somme.
March 3. Concluded Brestlitovski peace between the Russian SFSR and the Central Powers.
21st III. She began the German offensive on the Western Front between the river Somme and Oise.
April 9. She began the German offensive in Flanders.
7. See Romania in Bucharest concluded a separate peace with the Central Powers.
15-23. VI. The last Austro-Hungarian offensive on the Italian front.
VII. She began the German offensive on the Marne in Champagne.
15-18. VII. Battle of the Marne (the last German offensive in World War I).
18.VII -3. VIII. The German withdrawal from the Marne to the Aisne River and paddle.
August 8 -3. IX. The withdrawal of German forces before the end of the Allied offensive of Amiens on the Siegfried line.
14th September. Austria-Hungary sent an invitation for peace talks by all States at war, as the Entente rejected.
15-18. IX. Entente forces broke through Thessaloniki battlefield.
September 26. It began universal offensive of French, British, American and Belgian forces along the western front.
29th September. Bulgaria signed an armistice with the Entente Thessaloniki.
27th X. The Italians broke the Austro-Hungarian defense line on the Italian front.
October 28 Czech Republic declared independence.
October 29, Austria-Hungary asked for a truce.
On 30 th October the Ottoman Empire entered into a truce with the Entente.
6th XI. At the invitation of the National Council of Serbs in Sarajevo Serbian army occupied Sarajevo.
7 November. Germany requested the Entente truce.
9th XI. Abdication of Emperor William II.
10th November. Entente forces liberated Romania.
November 11. Abdication Croatian-Hungarian king and Austrian Emperor Charles I .; the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Signed an unconditional surrender of Germany. End of the First World War.
November 12. Austrian republic was proclaimed.
November 13. Hungarians signed a truce with the Entente.
November 14. At the invitation of the National Council in Zagreb Serbian army occupied Zagreb.
16 November. Hungarian Republic was proclaimed.
World War Two. Military conflict between members of the Axis powers, and the Tripartite Pact - Germany, Italy and Japan and their associated allies: Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Serbia, ISC etc., And the Allies - the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and France and countries that have joined them: Canada, Australia, the countries of Latin America, etc., which lasted from September 1. 1939th to 2nd September. In 1945 it participated in as many as 61 out of 67 countries in the world, and the war was waged in the territory as many as 40 countries. Of the approximately 110 million participants of the war, about 50 million of them died and 35 million were wounded. In addition to large casualties on battlefields and the occupied territories on which to develop an organized armed resistance (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Albania, France, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, occupied parts of Russia and China) II. World War II was marked by the massive suffering of the civilian population in towns (the bombing of Warsaw, Rotterdam, Belgrade, London, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Moscow, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Nuremberg, Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and many other cities), mass the execution of a large number of people in the occupied territories of Eastern European (Poland, Czech Republic, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia) and Asian countries (China, Korea) and systematic extermination (genocide) of entire nations (Jews, Roma) in fascist and Nazi concentration camps and camps death. According to estimates, in the Nazi death camps were killed about 10 million people, of which between 5.5 and 6 million Jews.

Cause. The main cause of the II. World War II was the dissatisfaction of some countries (Germany, Italy, Japan, etc.) the international order established after World War II. It is particularly dissatisfied with Germany, which has lost all colonies in favor of Great Britain, France, Japan and the South African Union and parts of the national territory for the benefit of all its neighbors except Austria. She had to agree, among other things, to pay heavy reparations. Since Germany was not able to pay off the winners reparations in the amount of 132 billion. German gold marks, French troops occupied the Ruhr region in 1923, the center of German heavy industry, which led to the financial collapse of Germany and the outbreak of high inflation. The unfavorable peace treaty, complex and unstable political system established Weimar Constitution and the difficult economic and social situation in the country, aggravated by the consequences of a global economic crisis (1929-33), brought in 1933 in Germany to power bellicose and revisionist National Socialist German Workers Party ( Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, acronym NSDAP) led by A. Hitler. After the takeover this party started extensive preparations for a new war. In addition to Germany, the new world order after the war were not satisfied even individual members of the winning coalition of the First World War. That is why the government of Italy came in 1922 Fascist National Party (Partito Nazionale fascist) under the leadership of B. Mussolini, and Japan during the 1930's power completely downloaded militaristic-nationalist circles. Dissatisfaction with Germany, Italy and Japan led in 1936 to the alliance between Germany and Italy (axis Berlin-Rome), Germany and Japan (Antikominternski pact) and 1940 between Germany, Italy and Japan (the pact). Since all three countries aimed at establishing a new world order, which included the right of priority of Germany and Italy in Europe and Japan in Asia, the conflict with Britain and France, and soon with the United States and the Soviet Union was inevitable. Although Britain and France sought to avoid a new world war and allowed the German annexation of Austria (1938), Sudeten areas (1938) and the occupation of Bohemia with Moravia (1939), and Italian occupation of Ethiopia (1936) and Albania (1939), the German attack in Poland in 1939 began a new world conflict.

The occasion. As a pretext for the II. World War II, Germany used the dispute with Poland about Gdańsk and the coastal belt. Since the Polish government rejected Hitler's request for the transfer of the disputed areas rd Reich, on this and counted, the Nazi regime faked attack smaller field units (German soldiers dressed in Polish uniforms) on its frontier station and, under the pretext of protecting the borders, use the incident as a pretext for the attack on Poland. Thus, as in World War I, was launched in the mechanism of the existing international obligations and Allied combination.

The course of the war. Germany on 1 September. 1939 to 4 h 45 min began military operations against the Polish, which is why the third IX. Britain and France declared war on Germany.

Germany is Poland led blitzkrieg (→ blitzkrieg or blitzkrieg). Her motorized forces advanced almost without interruption by performing comprehensive maneuvers. German troops entered September 27. in Warsaw. When 6 X. fell Lublin, stopped every organized resistance of the Polish army (→ Poland, history). At the end of the German invasion of Poland the Soviet troops on the basis of the German-Soviet non-aggression pact (signed in August 1939) 17. IX. 1939 crossed the Soviet-Polish border and occupied Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, which until then had been part of the Polish. The Soviet Union then concluded a pact of mutual assistance with Estonia (28 September), Latvia (fifth X) and Lithuania (10th X). Because of the Soviet territorial claims November 30. 1939 broke the Soviet-Finnish War (→ Finnish, history). After long struggle, in March, was suspended hostilities. On the basis of the peace treaty (March 12, 1940) Finland had to cede to the Soviet Union Karelian isthmus with Vyborg (Viipuri) and parts of Eastern Karelia (about 40 000 km²), and rent Hanko peninsula and allow transit through the area of ​​pets.

Until then, the West no significant struggle. Without a declaration of war, the German army invaded Denmark (April 9, 1940) and landed in Norway. Germany operations in Norway, where the Allies belatedly came to help, were completed on June 9 Thus the Germans ensure your right hip for further action against the United Kingdom, Sweden. iron ore, submarine bases on the Atlantic and the possibility of leaving their navy in the open sea. Germany's army on May 10 attacked Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and then France. Until 14 May was occupied Netherlands, and on May 28 capitulated and Belgium. French Defense was completely disorganized, and the army unable to resist the incursions of German armored forces. In an attempt to halt the progress of the German, British expeditionary corps was dropped in May 1940 on the shores of the English Channel on both sides of the Franco-Belgian border, but the Germans had surrounded it swept along with the French forces end Dunkirk. In the rescue unit (Operation Dynamo, 27. -3. VI. 1940) The British have lost all heavy weapons and powertrain (→ Dunkerque). On June 10, Italy declared war on Britain and France, June 14, Paris fell, and on June 22 the government of Marshal Ph. Pétain signed in Compiegne armistice with Germany and Italy. France was divided into occupied part (northern parts of the country) and "vichyjevsku" France, at the head of which was in July 1940 came Pétain gotten dictatorial powers. He established the reactionary and pro-fascist regime, who conducted the anti-Semitic policies. (→ French, history)

Since the invasion of Poland September 1. 1939 Germans are in practice fully accomplish its doctrine rapid pace of war. On the eve of the war, joining Austria and occupying Czechoslovakia, expand the material basis for the conduct of war, in particular the Czech military and heavy industry, and the agreement with Romania put them to the necessary quantities of oil. Quick breakdown Polish Hitler might have resulted primarily due to the inability of the Polish High Command, as well as the passive posture of France and Great Britain, which have still tried to direct German aggression in Eastern Europe and the USSR. At the gathering and tries mainstream of German forces in Poland, France has not responded offensive in the west, and so along with Britain missed the opportunity to II. World War I at the outset focus on a new course. Because the British and French passivity whole period from September 1939 to April 1940 went down in history under the name of "funny war" (French drôle de guerre) or "sitting war" (German Sitzkrieg). In the Polish campaign, France had 109 divisions, versus 30 to 40 German divisions behind the Siegfried Line established in other western borders, yet the French left behind their fortifications.

In the quick collapse of Polish armed forces, and then the Netherlands, Belgium and France, including the British expeditionary corps, and the rapid occupation of these countries the German war doctrine has experienced the greatest success, and the army of France and other countries, mastered in just six weeks, the worst defeat in its history, despite almost equal forces.

Germans under Schlieffen military doctrine (→ Schlieffen, Alfred von) in several devastating battles achieve a decisive victory. Their success are ensured: skilful use of all means, including the so-called. fifth column, which can break the morale of the opponents; strategic, operational-tactical and technical surprises; concentration of very large armored forces on a narrow front line in order to achieve the chosen direction great superiority, made a breakthrough in depth and in a free operating space and thus enable rapid encirclement opponents. The defeat on the Western Front in 1940 the only success of the Allies was the evacuation of British and French troops over Dunkirk to the UK. Although they lost their heavy weapons and powertrain, and forces the nucleus around which created the new British Army and the Free French forces under General Ch. de Gaulle. In preparing the invasion of Great Britain, Germany is the base in occupied Western Europe began a fierce air strikes on the country. Air battle of Britain, a prelude to a planned invasion of the island, which was started after the victory in the West (July to October 1940 and then to May 1941), the Germans lost due to the high morale of the British obrambenomu and effective implementation of the new war techniques (aviation and radar); It was the first failure of a rapid pace of war. With operations on land and in the air, the war spread to the sea, where the Germans were especially developed submarine activity and krstarički war.

While the last battle in the west, the Soviet army in the period 15-17. June occupied Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and they joined the USSR. Then the Soviet Union forced the Romanian government to relinquish Bessarabia and northern Bukovina (July 2). Romania is under pressure from Germany, Hungary ceded much of the Transylvania (Transylvania, August 29), and Bulgaria, southern Dobrudja (7 September), after which the country was established totalitarian regime led by General I. Antonescu (→ Romania, History). Italy attacked Greece on October 28, but has experienced a failure. Having lost the air Battle of Britain, Hitler gave up the invasion of the British island and began preparations to attack the Soviet Union. Germany, Japan and Italy concluded on 27 September. In 1940 in Berlin the pact. In preparation for an attack on the Soviet Union, Germany has sought to provide themselves definitively and Danube region and the Balkans, ie. Its southern flank, the more her Italian ally had suffered a series of failures in the struggle with Greece. Trojnomu the Covenant joined the government of Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and then the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (March 25). Since attitudes. impact of General D. Simovic in Yugoslavia 27 March. was overthrown government which has acceded to the pact, Hitler decided to destroy this country. In brief April War defeated the Yugoslavia (6-17. IV) and Greece (6-20. IV). But because of the military operations in the Balkans, Hitler for five weeks to delay a planned attack on the Soviet Union, which later proved to be a major strategic error. Therefore, the German troops on the border with the USSR concentrated only in June, but the attack began June 22. 1941. In addition to Germany, in that the attack also involved Hungary, Romania, Finland, Italy, and some units of the Independent State of Croatia, and Spain is on the Eastern Front sent its Blue division. Since the beginning of the German aggression against the Soviet Union began to develop a broad anti-Hitler coalition. Already 22-23. VI. 1941, the government of Great Britain and the United States have announced their willingness to help the USSR (Atlantic Charter, August 14, 1941). The Soviet government established allied relations with the US and the UK; July 12, was signed Soviet-British agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany and the tripartitnome Moscow consultations on September 29-1. X. 1941, the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom made a number of decisions on the use of all resources in the war against Germany, the US and British war supplies, etc. Materials USSR, etc. During the summer and fall of the aggressor's army won a series of battles, won vast territory (the Baltic countries, Belarus, almost the whole Ukraine, Crimea) and penetrated almost just before Moscow, where they were the Red Army under the command of Marshal GK Zhukov maintained and rejected. (→ Battle of Moscow)

It was the end of a rapid pace of the war the German land forces. Light successes on the European west convinced the German leadership that the war against the USSR enough 210 divisions at his disposal. The initial operations were deployed 150 German divisions (60 of them were left scattered around Europe) and 30 to 40 satellite division, and in three divergent directions (Leningrad, Moscow, Kiev). Germans have achieved great initial success thanks to Stalin's "purges", because the Red Army, due to liquidation of command frame (a large number of generals and more than half of the total number of colonels) and keeping its troops out of combat readiness, suffered heavy losses. Although with huge losses the Red Army until the end of 1941 and beginning of 1942 managed to stop further incursions, still was not ready for offensive actions.

The war, however, spread to the Pacific. The Japanese fleet under the supreme command of Admiral I. Yamamoto suddenly on December 7. 1941 attacked US base → Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, and destroyed most of its Pacific Fleet. After the attack, the US and Great Britain declared war on Japan (8th of December), and Germany and Italy the USA (December 11). By mid 1942 the Japanese conquered Hong Kong, Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, the northern group of the Gilbert islands, the Philippines, Guam, Borneo, Celebes, Singapore, the greater part of Sumatra, the Solomon Islands, Java, and almost all of Burma (→ Japan, history). At the same time the war continued in the coastal area of ​​North Africa with varying success.

Entering the United States into the war, despite the initial successes of Japan, have significantly strengthened the military-political relations between the anti-fascist coalition. On January 1, 1942 signed the Washington Declaration (Declaration 26 countries), with which the participants pledged to use all their resources, military or economic, against a member of the Tripartite Pact and those countries which have acceded, and that your enemies will not conclude an armistice or a separate peace. In London, then 26. See, 1942 was signed a treaty of friendship and alliance between Great Britain and the USSR, and in Washington on 11 June. Agreement on Mutual Assistance between the USA and USSR.

The attack on the Soviet Union began to operate organized partisan resistance in the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia under the leadership of J. Broz - Tito and the Yugoslav Communist Party. Similar resistance was organized in the field of Polish and French. Although the resistance movements precluded part of German and Italian forces, they still were not strong enough to influence the further development II. World War.

In North Africa, the British 8th Army under General B. Montgomery stopped in the period August 31 -3. IX. the rush of the German-Italian army under the command of Field Marshal E. Rommel to Suez, and her in the battle of El Alamein-completely broke (30th X-seventh XI. 1942), and then began to prosecute the west. A day later (8 XI) Anglo-American troops attacked from the sea port of Morocco and Algeria in order to occupation of those countries and Tunisia (→ North African descent). After landing, and troops under the command of US General DD Eisenhower continued progress towards Tunisia, where the Germans immediately switch their power (5th Panzer Army). By the end of November, the Allies invaded Morocco and Algeria, and in early December penetrated into Tunisia. When the Libya arrived in Tunisia British 8th Army, all the Anglo-American forces in the area had been taken over in the final offensive and 12, 1943, forced the remnants of the German-Italian Army Group Africa to capitulate.

The decision to Allied landings in Sicily (as soon as the opponent out of North Africa) was adopted at the conference, but Franklin Delano Roosevelt and W. Churchill in Casablanca (14-24, I. 1943). Since 1943, the Anglo-American air force constantly and vehemently attacking targets in Germany and German allies to destroy industry and the demoralization of the population. The Anglo-American forces launched on 10 July. 1943 landing in Sicily and then, in early September, to the south of the Italian mainland. These events led to the fall of the regime B. Mussolini (July 25). At the head of the new Italian government came to Marshal P. Badoglio, who was third IX. concluded an armistice with the Allies, September 8. declared capitulation and 13. X. Italy declared war on Germany. In parallel with the transition of Italy to the Allied side, the Germans occupied its northern regions, freed Mussolini from prison and placed him at the head of the new puppet state in northern Italy, the Italian Social Republic (Republic of Salò).

During that time, the southern half of the Eastern Front the Germans in the summer of 1942 reopened the strategic initiative and penetrated deep into the Stalingrad and the North Caucasus. After serving in the Battle of Stalingrad (→ Volgograd), Soviet troops in November passed in a counter-offensive, encircled German 6th Army under the command of Field Marshal von Paulus and F. until the beginning of February 1943 destroyed it along with two Romanian and one Italian and Hungarian Army . Although the Battle of Stalingrad was one of the turning point II. World War II, the Red Army has acquired a strategic initiative in the eastern battlefield just brilliant victory over the German army in the battle of Kursk (July 5-23rd August, 1943). In the largest battle of the tank II. World War II, in which particularly emphasized the Soviet Marshal IS Konev, attended by a total of 2 million troops with 6,000 tanks and 4,000 aircraft. After it started strong Soviet offensive along the entire front line (from the Baltic to the Black Sea).

In general war effort the anti-Hitler coalition important role during 1943 was the partisan movement in the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia, mainly Croatian and Bosnia and Herzegovina, participants of which are after the capitulation of Italy disarmed growing number of Italian divisions and liberated large parts of Istria, the Littoral, Dalmatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thanks to its military successes, the Second Session of AVNOJ → 29 November. 1943 in Jajce was established new Yugoslavia "as a state community of nations", which will ensure full equality of Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians, Montenegrins and Serbian, Croatian, Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Similar liberation movements were active in many other European countries (Greece, France, Italy, etc.).

The deep crisis of the fascist coalition has created favorable conditions for faster victorious end of the war in Europe and the Pacific, which is imposed, and the need to resolve a number of questions about the organization of the post-war world. Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers of the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union (Moscow, 19 October-1. XI. 1943) made a series of declarations. The declaration on the general security declared the fundamental principles for the future organization of the UN; were issued a special declaration of responsibility for the crimes of the Nazis and of the Allied policy towards Italy and Austria. Moscow is advising preparing conditions for the first meeting of the heads of the three governments, which was held in Tehran on November 28, -1. XII. 1943 W. Churchill, FD Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin agreed on the further conduct of the war, among other things, about the creation of another battlefield in Europe (→ Tehran Conference), and on the provision of material assistance to the Yugoslav Partisans. Allies have created all conditions to the strategic initiative used to prepare the destruction of enemy armed forces.

During this period has witnessed major changes in the Pacific. Battles in Koraljnome sea in May 1942, and the island of Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands) was stopped further expansion of the Japanese in this area. US forces under the command of Admiral CW Nimitz achieved new successes in the battle of Midway (June 1942) and the release of some of the Aleutian Islands (August 1942). From the second half of 1942, a strategic initiative in the Pacific finally moved to the side of the Americans; by the end of 1943, won the archipelago Gilbert, the Solomon Islands, the island of New Britain and the southeastern part of New Guinea. In China, the situation remained unchanged despite Japan's attempts to crush the resistance. In fact, its combat action, the Chinese Revolutionary Army tied the battles more than half of Japanese forces in China, and the fighting lasted until the middle in 1943.

During 1944, the Red Army liberated almost the entire territory of the USSR and transferred operations to the occupied territories of Eastern European countries. To the west is another battlefield opened on 6 June. 1944 in France, when the strong Anglo-American forces landed in Normandy in the largest Airborne operation in the history of wars (→ Normandy), and in August in the south of France. In the interior of France developed and strengthened the resistance, as the Anglo-American forces, they performed and the Free French Forces (Forces françaises libres) General Ch. de Gaulle. In the far north of Europe, Finland has concluded a truce with the USSR (19 September, 1944). The progress of the Soviet Red Army during the second half of 1944 under the command of Marshal SK Timoshenko were occupied Romania (August 1944), Bulgaria (September 1944) and Eastern Hungary (December 1944). With the help of the Red Army's Yugoslav Partisans (People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia) liberated Belgrade, Vojvodina, Baranja and Međimurje. Then, on the Danube was established new German defensive line, which is across the Western Srem (Sremska battlefield), eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina leads to the sea. At the conference in Yalta (4-11. II. 1945) W. Churchill, FD Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin made decisions about the final operations for the destruction of Hitler's Germany and Japan (→ Yalta Conference). On the Eastern Front from the Baltic to the Yugoslav border, they performed the Soviet forces, which together with the Polish troops occupied East Prussia, liberated Warsaw (17th I. 1945) and other parts of Polish and western parts of Hungary, occupied Vienna (13th IV. 1945) and western parts of Czechoslovakia.

During this time the Western allies to mid-September 1944, liberated the whole France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and part of the end of March broke the Rhine. In a desperate attempt to stop the penetration of Allied troops on German territory and cut off the Anglo-American troops in Belgium and the Netherlands, the Germans on 16 December. 1944 to 31, 1945, under the command of Field Marshal Walter Model launched in the Ardennes strong but unsuccessful counteroffensive (→ Ardennes operations), which was broken by the German army on the Western Front.

In operations in April 1945, Allied troops penetrated deep into Germany, and on 25 April met on the Elbe River with the Red Army and of the North entered the western parts of Austria. Having crushed the last defense of the Germans, the Red Army conquered Berlin (2.). After Hitler's suicide (April 30) German Admiral K. Dönitz put together a new German government, which is the 8th, 1945, accepted the unconditional surrender of Germany.

The operations in the Croatian and Slovenian territory in March 1945, Yugoslav Army broke through the German front in Lika, and parallel to the Danube Sremska battlefield; to early May ended successfully battle of Rijeka, liberated Istria and the Slovenian coast to the Valley, where she met with allied forces, who after a rush down the front end of Bologna (19th IV) penetrated through northern Italy to Austria and the Soca River. By 15, 1945, troops of the Yugoslav Army liberated the whole words. area and moved to the Italian and Austrian motorways. territory, where they end Bleiburg 15. See 1945 handed most of the armed forces of NDH (Home Guard and Ustasha troops) along with part of the Ustasha political leadership. (→ bleiburg)

Relations arising from the complete defeat of Germany tried to solve W. Churchill, HS Truman and Joseph Stalin at the Potsdam Conference from 17 July. until August 2. 1945 (→ Potsdam Conference). It was decided to put Germany under military rule Allied forces won, and that the political and others. Refurbishment of Germany perform under the control of the Allied Control Council. Were identified and German territorial differences; USSR went to istočnoprusko area with Konigsberg, Poland and the territory east of the line Odra-Nisa. Postwar Germany was divided into occupation zones (American, British, French and Soviet), which is implemented → denazification (the occupation zone was divided and Berlin). Some members of the Nazi leadership was sentenced to → Nuremberg Trials.

Immediately after the conference the Soviet Union entered the war against Japan (August 8). Meanwhile, the US aircraft dropped the bomb on Hiroshima (6 August), then on Nagasaki (9 August), while the Red Army on 9 August. led extensive operations in Manchuria. Also, with the support of the Pacific fleet, occupied southern Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands. In parallel with the operations of the Red Army, two Chinese army under the command of Chiang Kai-shek (Kuomintang) and Mao Zedong (CCP) liberated the part of central China and nearly all of northern China. Because of the complete military collapse on all fronts, unconditional capitulation of Japan announced on 14 August., And signed September 2. 1945, the US battleship Missouri in Tokyjskom bay. It was also the end of the second. World War.

Capitulation of Japan has lost all conquered areas, and its national territory has been reduced only to the area of ​​the Japanese islands. After the capitulation of Japan was under military rule of the victorious Allied Powers (the Commission for the Far East and the Allied Council for Japan), implemented by the United States. At the end of the 1940s was carried out demilitarization (the Japanese army demobilized), disbanded the nationalist organizations and their members away from the influential position. Under the influence of the United States adopted a new constitution (November 3, 1946), which entered into force on May 3, 1947; abolished the hereditary nobility and transformed parliament, were carried out administrative, economic and social reforms. At the end of 1948 were tried for war crimes senior political and military officials of Japan before the International Military Tribunal in Tokyo.

Because of the serious political differences, opposition and competition in the global, geopolitical, economic, strategic and other relations between the USSR and the Western Allies, which began immediately after the II. World War II, after 1946 began → Cold War.


March 12. Germany invaded and annexed Austria (the Anschluss).
September 30. Signed the Munich Agreement between A. Hitler, B. Mussolini, Chamberlain and AN E. Daladier that ended → Sudeten crisis.
In 1939.
14 March. Declared the independence of Slovakia.
March 15. German troops occupied the Czech Republic and established the Czech-Moravian protectorate within the Third Reich (Germany); Slovakia recognized independence under German protection.
23 March. Broke the Slovak-Hungarian war (ended 4. IV. 1939).
March 31. Great Britain guaranteed Poland's independence and military aid.
7th April. Italy annexed Albania.
l3. IV. Britain and France guarantee the independence of Greece and Romania and military aid.
April 27. United Kingdom announced a general conscription.
28th IV. Germany denounced the German-Polish agreement of 1933 and the German-British naval agreement of the 1935th
22. V. signed the German-Italian pact in Berlin.
23 August. In Moscow signed the German-Soviet non-aggression pact.
August 25. Concluded a military agreement between the United Kingdom and Polish; Germany announced respect the neutrality of Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Switzerland.
September 1. Germany without a declaration of war invaded Poland and thus began II. world War; Italy was declared nonbelligerent force.
3rd September. United Kingdom, France, Australia and New Zealand declared war on Germany.
5. IX. USA declared neutrality.
6 September. South African Alliance declared war on Germany.
September 8. Britain and France have announced a blockade of Germany.
10th September. Canada declared war on Germany.
11th September. Germany announced protublokadu Great Britain and France.
16-17. IX. The German air force and artillery destroyed Warsaw.
17th September. Soviet troops entered the eastern Polish.
22nd September. Certain German-Soviet demarcation line in Poland.
September 27. The fall of Warsaw.
28 September. In Moscow signed an agreement according to which the USSR won the eastern parts of the occupied Polish populated mostly Ukrainians and Belarusians.
6th X. fall Lublin ceased resistance Polish Army; Adolf Hitler offered peace Western powers.
19th X. Turkey signed a military pact with Britain and France.
On November 3. The United States declared the law on neutrality, according to which the warring forces can buy American goods at a cash and carry basis.
8th XI. Failed assassination of A. Hitler in Munich.
On November 28. USSR canceled the non-aggression pact with Finland and broke (29 November) diplomatic relations.
November 30. After failed negotiations on the territorial claims of the Soviet Union to Finland broke the Soviet-Finnish war.
December 3. Finland has requested the help of the League of Nations.
14th December. The League of Nations declared the USSR an aggressor and to exclude him from its ranks.
25th II. Other Scandinavian countries have declared neutrality in the Soviet-Finnish war.
March 12. In Moscow, signed the Soviet-Finnish peace treaty.
April 9. Germany's armed forces occupied Denmark and landed in Norway; Norwegian government left Oslo and declared war on Germany; V. compiled Quisling Nazi cabinet.
10-13. IV. British naval forces destroyed the German amphibious squadron in Narvik.
14th IV. Allied forces landed at Namsos in Norway.
April 17. Allied troops landed in Åndalsnes in Norway.
10 May Germany invaded Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg without a declaration of war; UK resigned AN Chamberlain; a new government composed W. Churchill; British forces occupied Iceland.
14. See the Germans destroyed by air bombing of Rotterdam; Dutch government fled to London and announced that the war continues.
15. See of the Netherlands armed forces capitulated; German troops broke through the French battlefield end sedans.
21. See German forces broke the English Channel end Abbeville, which are all Allied forces in Belgium had been cut off from France.
V. 28th Belgian King Leopold III. signed the capitulation; Belgian government fled to London, where he announced the continuation of the struggle.
3. VI. She completed the evacuation of the Allied armies in the area of ​​Dunkirk.
5 June. She began the battle for France.
June 7. The evacuation of Allied troops from Norway.
9 June. Breakthrough of the French defense line on the River Aisne.
10th June. Italy declared war on France and Britain; Canada declared war on Italy.
11 June. Australia, New Zealand and South African Union of proclaimed war on Italy.
June 12. Released nonaggression pact between Japan and Thailand.
June 13. Spain declared itself nonbelligerent force.
June 14. German troops entered Paris; Spain occupied Tangier.
June 15. Pierced Maginot Line; Soviet army entered Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
June 16. Marshall Ph. Pétain compiled a new French government.
17th June. Petain government requested an armistice from Germany and Italy.
18 June. General Ch. de Gaulle in London urged the French to continue the fight.
June 22. Petain government signed the act of Compiegne armistice with Germany.
June 24. Petain government signed a document on truce with Italy; Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations.
June 26. The Soviet government has asked the Romanian Bessarabia and northern Bukovina.
27 June. Great Britain declared a blockade of Europe from Nordkapp to Spain.
June 28. Romania accepted the Soviet demands.
July 3. The British fleet incapacitate much of the French fleet at Mers el-Kebir end of Oran.
July 4. Italian troops from Ethiopia inflammation in Sudan.
July 5. Petain France broke off diplomatic relations with Britain.
July 15. Italian forces from Ethiopia to Kenya inflammation.
19th July. Hitler offered peace again the UK, which she refused (22 July).
July 20. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania proclaimed Soviet republics within the USSR.
August 3. Italian troops from Ethiopia inflammation in British Somaliland.
August 13. She began air battle for Britain.
17. VIII. Germany announced a total blockade of the British Isles.
30. VIII. On the basis of the Vienna arbitration Romania Hungary ceded two-thirds of Transylvania; Petain France agreed to the Japanese forces occupy the northern part of Indochina (the contract will be signed on 22 September).
7 September. German Air Force (Luftwaffe) first time heavily bombed London; Agreement in Craiova, Romania Bulgaria ceded the southern Dobrudja.
13th September. She started the Italian offensive from Libya to Egypt.
September 16. US introduced general conscription.
19 September. In Romania, general I. Antonescu became head of the pro-fascist government.
September 27. In Berlin, Germany, Italy and Japan sign pact against the Communist International.
7th X. German forces entered Romania.
27th X Ch. de Gaulle formed a government of the Free French.
October 28, Italy invaded Greece without a declaration of war.
October 29, Kingdom of Yugoslavia declared itself neutral in the Greco-Italian War.
31st X. British forces landed on Crete.
5th XI. FD Roosevelt third time elected president of the United States.
November 13. British aircraft attacked the Italian fleet at anchor in Taranto.
November 14. The German air force bombed massively Coventry.
November 20. Hungary joined Trojnomu pact.
23rd XI. Romania joined Trojnomu pact.
24 November. Slovakia joined Trojnomu pact.
8th of December. The defeat of the Italians in Albania; Greek army occupied Gjirokastër.
9 December. British offensive against the Italian army, which has penetrated into Egypt.
December 12. Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Hungary pact "eternal friendship".
18 December. Adolf Hitler gave the order to prepare for an attack on the Soviet Union.
December 29. In Congress FD Roosevelt announced that the US would be "the arsenal of democracy."
In 1941.
10 January in Berlin signed the Soviet-German economic agreement.
18th I began the British operations against the Italian colony of Eritrea, which were a prelude to the operation of the Italian occupation of East Africa.
11 February. In Libya began unloading the German Afrika Korps.
14th II. Adolf Hitler received D. Cvetkovic and A. Cincar- Markovic at Berchtesgaden.
1 March. Bulgaria joined Trojnomu pact.
Second III. German forces entered Bulgaria.
4. III. British army landed in Greece.
Ninth III. The collapse of the Italian counteroffensive in Albania.
March 11. USA published the law the Lend-Lease (Lend-Lease-Act).
March 25. Yugoslavia joined Trojnomu pact.
25-26. III. In Belgrade and other places of mass demonstrations against the accession of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia Trojnomu pact.
27 March. Coup in Belgrade destroyed governorship, government took over the government of General D. Simovic; Hitler decided to attack Yugoslavia; delayed the German attack on the Soviet Union for four weeks.
March 28. The British defeated the Italian fleet in the battle of Cape Matapan.
March 31. They started the German-Italian operations against Tobruk in Libya.
4 April. The British Army liberated Addis Ababa.
5th IV. In Moscow signed a treaty of friendship and non-aggression between the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the USSR.
April 6. They started the German operation against the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Greece; the bombing of Belgrade, which was declared an open city.
April 10. Proclaimed Independent State of Croatia.
11 April. Hungarian army entered the Međimurje, Baranja and Backa.
13th IV. In Moscow signed a non-aggression pact between the Soviet Union and Japan.
April 15. The Yugoslav government of King Peter II. left the country.
April 17. Signed the capitulation of the Yugoslav army.
19th IV. Bulgarian Army entered the eastern parts of Serbia and Macedonia.
20 April. In Vienna, began a two-day meeting of foreign ministers of Germany and Italy, J. von Ribbentrop and G. Ciano, which is divided by the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
21. IV. Greek army capitulated to the Germans.
April 23. Greek army capitulated to the Italians.
20 May the German units started to airdrop on Crete.
31. See the British occupied Baghdad in fighting insurgent Iraqis.
8 June. The British Army and ordered the Free French from Palestine crossed the border and began operations against the forces of vichyjevske France in Syria and Lebanon.
18 June. In Ankara signed a treaty of friendship and non-aggression between Germany and Turkey.
June 22. No declaration of war, Germany attacked the Soviet Union; Churchill said that the United Kingdom every effort to help the Soviet Union; started an anti-fascist uprising in Croatia.
June 23. Hungary broke off diplomatic relations with the USSR; Slovakia declared war on the USSR.
June 26. Finland declared war on the USSR.
27 June. Denmark broke off diplomatic relations with the USSR; Hungary declared war on the USSR.
July 2. The Japanese imperial council decided to streamline the conquest of Southeast Asia.
July 7. He started an anti-fascist uprising in Serbia.
12th July. In Moscow signed an agreement on mutual assistance between the UK and the USSR.
July 13. He started an anti-fascist uprising in Montenegro.
14 July. Power vichyjevske France signed the capitulation in Syria.
July 21. Japan started the rush in southern Indochina, which was under French rule.
22 July. He started an anti-fascist uprising in Slovenia.
July 27. He started an anti-fascist uprising in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
July 28. Finland broke off diplomatic relations with Britain.
July 30. Renewed diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union as the Polish Government in Exile.
August 14. FD Roosevelt and Winston Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter; Soviet and Polish government in exile concluded an agreement on forming a Polish Army on the territory of the USSR of Polish prisoners of war from in 1939.
August 25. British and Soviet armies entered Iran.
3rd September. Bukovina reconnected Romania.
September 8. German forces blockaded Leningrad.
19 September. The Germans won Kyiv and Poltava.
September 30. She started the first German offensive on Moscow.
October 16 Romanian troops occupied evacuated Odessa.
24th X. Germans occupied Kharkov.
16 November. Germans occupied Kerch and Crimea; started the second German offensive on Moscow.
18 November. British counter-offensive began in Libya.
22-29. XI. Churchill-Roosevelt meeting in Ottawa.
29 November. The Red Army liberated Rostov.
December 5. Germans reach out to 25 km from Moscow; started counter-offensive of the Red Army under Moscow.
6th December. Great Britain declared war on Hungary, Romania and Finland.
December 7. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, declared war on the US and UK.
8th of December. The Japanese army landed on the Philippines (Luzon Island); The United States declared war on Japan; Chiang Kai-shek government declared war on Japan, Germany and Italy.
9 December. Japanese occupied Bangkok (Thailand).
10th December. Japanese forces landed on Malaya; sunken British battleship Prince of Wales and the battle cruiser Repulse end Kuantan (Malaya).
December 11. Germany and Italy declared war on the United States; The United States declared war on Germany and Italy.
13th December. Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and the NDH declared war on the US and UK.
14th December. The Japanese landed on Borneo.
19 December. After the failure of the operations near Moscow, Adolf Hitler took over direct command of the Army.
25th December. British forces in Libya penetrated to the town of Ajdabiya, south of Benghazi; The Japanese conquered Hong Kong.
1. I. In Washington, 26 countries signed a declaration on accepting the principles and objectives set out in the Atlantic Charter.
2. Section I of the Japanese forces occupied Manila in the Philippines.
10. I. The Red Army broke through the German defense line end cities Velikiye Luki and Suhiničija.
On January 11th, Japan declared war on the Netherlands; began the invasion of the Netherlands East Indies; Japanese troops landed on Sulawesi.
I started 15th so. The second enemy offensive against the partisan units in eastern Bosnia.
21st January started the German-Italian offensive in Libya; started the Japanese attack on Burma.
January 23, Japanese troops landed on the island of New Britain.
26th first American troops landed in Northern Ireland.
January 29, the German-Italian forces occupied Benghazi.
31. And Japan won Malaya, the British withdrew in Singapore.
14th II. The Japanese army landed on Sumatra.
15th II. Singapore capitulated to the Japanese.
February 18.
February 18. Japanese troops landed on the island of Bali.
20th II. Japanese troops landed on the island of Timor.
27 February. Naval Battle in Javanskome sea between Japan and the Allied fleet composition.
1 March. Japanese troops landed on Java.
Seventh III. The Japanese army landed on New Guinea; Japanese troops occupied Rangoon.
March 31. She began the so-called. The third enemy offensive against the partisan units in eastern Bosnia.
April 6. Japan took Sumatra; in April of the first actions of the resistance movement in Greece.
May 1, the Japanese army occupied the city of Mandalay in Burma.
4-8. V. Battle in Koraljnome sea between the US and the Japanese fleet; the first naval battle in which the naval aviation was the only striking force.
5. See Japanese army occupied the fortified island of Corregidor in the Philippines.
9. See the Soviet offensive end of Kharkiv.
17. See German counter-offensive south of Kharkov.
22. See Mexico declared war on Germany, Italy and Japan.
26. See In London, signed a treaty of friendship and alliance between Great Britain and the Soviet Union for 20 years; Axis forces began the offensive in Libya in order penetration in Egypt; in May of the first actions of the resistance movement in Poland.
4-6. VI. Naval battle of Midway between the American and the Japanese fleet in which naval aviation was the strike force.
June 7. He began the German attack on Sevastopol.
June 23. German forces entered Egypt.
June 28. She began a large German offensive toward the Volga and the Caucasus.
June 30. German-Italian African army penetrated to El-Alamein.
l. VII. Germans captured Sevastopol.
July 3. Start German-Italian offensive in Egypt.
July 7. Japanese troops landed on Attu Island (Aleutian Islands).
12th July. Japanese troops landed on the island of Kiska (Aleutian Islands).
July 18. The United States declared war on Hungary and Romania.
23 July. Germans occupied Rostov.
7/8. VIII. The US military landed on Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands); German army penetrated to the oil-fields end of Maikop.
12-15. VIII. Meeting W. Churchill, JV Stalin and AW Harriman in Moscow.
19th August. British landing place Dieppe raid.
21. VIII. German Army crossed the Don place Kalac in the direction of Stalingrad; German mountain troops arrived on Elbrus.
August 25. German troops broke out on the Volga north of Stalingrad.
On August 28. Brazil declared war on Germany and Italy.
August 31. Failed German-Italian attempt to break the end of El-Alamein.
17th October began last German assault on Stalingrad.
October 23, British 8th Army began to attack the end of El-Alamein.
4th XI. British 8th Army broke through the German-Italian defensive line of the end of al-Alamein.
8th XI. The Anglo-American forces landed in Morocco and Algeria.
9th XI. It began landing of German forces in Tunisia.
November 11. German forces occupied vichyjevsku France and the Italians landed in Corsica and went to Nice.
12-15. XI. Two naval battle of Guadalcanal place between Japanese and American fleets.
November 13. French Admiral Darlan FJ took power in North Africa and urged French forces to fight against the Germans.
19th November. She began the offensive end of the Soviet Stalingrad.
On November 22. Germany 6th Army surrounded the place Stalingrad.
26-27. XI. The first session of AVNOJ in Bihac.
27th XI. French naval fleet itself was sunk in Toulon when entering German forces; disbanded army vichyjevske France.
November 30. Naval battle between the Japanese and American fleet composition Tassafaronge place (Solomon Islands).
9 December. He began the German attack to unblock the surrounded 6th Army, southwest of Stalingrad.
19 December. The collapse of the German 6th Army unblocking attempts.
22nd December. She began the offensive of the Red Army in the Caucasus.
In 1943.
5-11. I. The withdrawal of the German army from the Caucasus.
10 January started operations of the Red Army for the destruction of the German 6th Army surrounded the place Stalingrad.
13th I Declared general mobilization in Germany.
14-24. I Conference in Casablanca (W. Churchill, FD Roosevelt and Ch. De Gaulle); Germany's allies put the request for unconditional surrender.
I started 17th Soviet offensive on Rostov.
I. 18th Red Army unblocked Leningrad.
I started 20th so. Fourth enemy offensive in partisan units (Battle of Britain).
January 23, British 8th Army took Tripoli.
2. II. The capitulation of the German 6th Army Field Marshal von Paulus F. place Stalingrad.
February 4. British 8th Army, met with other Allied forces in Tunisia.
8th II. The main counter-operative group of the Supreme Headquarters-and PMUs in the direction of the Neretva.
14th II. Soviet forces liberated Rostov.
16 February. Soviet forces liberated Kharkov.
February 22. She started the German offensive on Kharkov.
2-6. III. Naval Battle in Bismarckian sea between Japan and the United American-Australian fleet.
March 3. The Red Army liberated Rzhev.
March 6. Partisan started switching over the Neretva.
March 12. The Red Army liberated Vjazma.
March 15. Germans retook Kharkov.
19th IV. The uprising in the Warsaw ghetto, which the Germans to 16 V. leveled.
12. See Axle army capitulated in Tunisia.
15. See the so-called Start. Fifth enemy offensive against the Partisan units (Battle of Sutjeska); decision on the dissolution of the Comintern.
7. VI. Joined the Partisan forces (organization ELAS and EDES) in Greece.
10th June. Announcing the partisan command from hostile environment during the Fifth enemy offensive (Battle of Sutjeska).
11 June. The Italian island of Pantelleria garrison capitulated.
June 30. The landing Americans on the island of New Georgia (Solomon Islands).
July 5. She started the German offensive in the Kursk; introduction to the Kursk battle.
10th July. The landing of the Anglo-American forces in Sicily.
12th July. I started counter-offensive of the Red Army the end of the Kursk and Oryol.
July 13. Naval Battle of the island kolombangara (Solomon Islands).
July 15. The collapse of the German offensive at Kursk.
July 25. B. The fall of Mussolini; Marshal P. Badoglio compiled a new Italian government; Mussolini was arrested and interned.
August 4. The Red Army liberated Orel and Belgord (5th August).
17-24. VIII. The Conference of Heads of the United States, Great Britain and China in Quebec.
August 22. The Red Army liberated Kharkov.
29. VIII. The Red Army broke through the front lines on the river Mijus.
30. VIII. Released Taganrog.
3rd September. In Syracuse in Sicily secret armistice was signed between Italy and the Allies; landing of British troops in Calabria.
September 8. Unconditional Surrender of Italy.
9th September. The landing of British troops end Salerno.
10th September. The German army occupied Rome.
12th September. German paratroopers freed B. Mussolini.
18 September. Founded in Mussolini's Fascist Republic (Italian Social Republic) in northern Italy.
23 September. Mussolini compiled Republican Fascist government in Florence.
24th September. Released Smolensk.
Oct. 1, US troops entered Naples.
6th X. began the offensive of the Red Army from Vitebsk to the Sea of ​​Azov.
October 12, Portugal allowed the Allies create a base in the Azores.
October 13, the Italian government of Marshal P. Badoglio declared war on Germany.
X started 19th Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
November 1. USSR, USA, UK and China announced in Moscow a declaration of war aims of the United Nations.
6th XI. Released Kiev; penetrated the German defense line between Kiev and Gomel, and further north (end of Vitebsk).
November 20. American forces landed on Tarawa and Makin, Gilbert's main islands of the archipelago.
22-26. XI. Conference in Cairo (Roosevelt, Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek).
28.X-1. XII. The Conference of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin in Tehran; among other things it was decided to anoint the partisan movement in the occupied territory of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.
29-30. XI. The Second Session of AVNOJ in Jajce.
December 15. The landing of the US Army on the island of New Britain (Solomon Islands).
In 1944.
1. I. Based Polish National Council.
I started 14th Soviet offensive to completely unblock Leningrad in the direction Čudskoga and Pskov Lakes.
I5. I. In Italy, the Allies broke through the front lines on the river Garigliano.
22nd I. The Allies landed end of Anzio.
January 31, landing Americans on the island of Kwajalein (Marshall Islands).
4. III. She started the offensive the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Front in the Carpathians.
March 18. The German army occupied Hungary in strategic areas.
April 8. The Red Army crossed the Slovak and Romanian border; began operations for the liberation of Crimea.
9. See Freed Sevastopol and Odessa.
18. See the Allies in Italy captured Monte Cassino.
25. See German air raid on Drvar, where the victim's partisan command headed by J. Broz - Tito; in Salerno made the first Italian government of national unity.
June 4. The Allies occupied Rome; the withdrawal of the German army under the Gothic Line (Pisa-Rimini).
April 6. The landing of the Anglo-American forces in Normandy.
9 June. She began the offensive of the Red Army on the Karelian isthmus in southern Karelia.
12/13. VI. The first German flying bomb V-1 dropped on London.
June 15. Americans make a landing on the island of Saipan (Mariana Islands); the first attack of flying supertvrđava to Japan.
June 16. Vis signed agreement of Tito-Subasic.
19th June. The Soviet army broke Mannerheimovu line on Karelian isthmus.
19-20. VI. Naval Battle at Filipinskome sea.
June 22. She began the offensive of the Red Army for the Liberation of Belarus and western Ukraine.
25 June. The Allies occupied Cherbourg.
July 3. The Red Army liberated Minsk.
July 9. After several days of battle, the British army liberated Caen in France.
July 13. She began the offensive of the Red Army for the Liberation of the Baltic countries; occupied Vilnius.
July 20. The failed assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler.
July 21. US forces carried out a raid on the island of Guam (Mariana Islands).
July 25. The US Army broke through the German defense line end Avranchea in France.
July 30. The Red Army broke the Vistula.
August 1. The uprising in Warsaw led by General T. Komorowski, supporters of the Polish government in exile in London.
2 August. Turkey broke off diplomatic relations with Germany.
August 4. The US army entered Florence.
12 and 13 August. The meeting Tito-Churchill in Caserta near Naples.
August 15. The landing of the Allies in southern France.
17-25. VIII. The general uprising against the Germans in Paris.
19th August. Surrounded by the German Army Group B Falaisea place in France.
20. VIII. She began the offensive of the Red Army in Romania.
23 August. Deposed and arrested General Antonescu; Romania asked for a truce and broke relations with Germany.
24 August. The Red Army occupied and liberated Chisinau Bessarabia and Moldavia.
August 25. French troops of General Ch. De Gaulle, together with the Americans, liberated Paris; Bulgaria asked for an armistice from the Allies; Finland has requested a truce of the USSR; Romania declared war on Germany.
26th August. De Gaulle's troops marched in Marseille and Toulon.
30. VIII. The Red Army occupied the area of ​​Ploiesti; started an anti-fascist uprising in Bucharest.
August 31. The Red Army entered Bucharest; in August began an anti-fascist uprising in Slovakia.
3rd September. Another British Army liberated Lille and Brussels.
September 4. The truce between the USSR and Finland; British troops entered Antwerp.
5. IX. The Allies entered the Luxembourg and the Netherlands; The Soviet Union declared war on Bulgaria.
September 8. The Soviet army entered Bulgaria; made a new government that has declared war on Germany; Germans threw the flying bombs V-2 in London.
9th September. In Bulgaria started the anti-fascist uprising, the Bulgarian units were involved with the Red Army in the persecution of Germans.
10-16. IX. The second conference Roosevelt and Churchill in Quebec.
12th September. Romania signed an armistice with the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
15. IX. The landing Americans on the island of Peleliu (Palau Islands).
17th September. Start the battle end Arnhem.
19 September. The Red Army occupied Timisoara; Moscow Finland signed an armistice with the Soviet Union and Great Britain.
21st September. The meeting Tito-Stalin in Moscow; signed an agreement on joint operations of the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia and the Red Army.
22nd September. The Soviet army entered and occupied Estonia Tallinn.
28 September. The offensive of the Red Army from Romania to the German army in Hungary.
2nd X. In Warsaw the Germans crushed the uprising.
9-18. X. In Moscow, Churchill, and Stalin AR One of the problems konferirali Polish, Greece and Yugoslavia, and the postwar structure of Europe.
October 10 penetrated the German defense south of Riga; The Red Army broke out on the Baltic and cut off the German Army Group North.
October 13, People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia liberated Skopje and Cetinje.
October 14, British troops entered in Piraeus.
15th X. Hungarian Government Admiral M. Horthy asked for an armistice, the Germans occupied Hungary.
20th X. People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia liberated Belgrade; Americans landing on the island of Leyte (Philippines).
October 23, Naval Battle of the island of Leyte (to 26 X).
25/26. X. People's Liberation Army of Yugoslavia liberated Split.
October 28 Germans occupied Banska Bystrica and crushed the uprising in Slovakia; Bulgaria signed an armistice with the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States.
On 30 th October the Yugoslav People's Liberation Army liberated Zadar.
31st X. The Soviet offensive in Budapest.
November 1. Agreement Tito-Subasic on assembling a unity government.
7 November. Roosevelt fourth elected president of the United States.
November 14. She began a US-French offensive in the area of ​​the Vosges Mountains.
17th XI. People's Liberation Army liberated Albania Tirana.
December 5. The US 5th Army came to Ravenna.
10th December. In Moscow, signed the Soviet-French pact.
16th December. She started the German offensive in the Ardennes, which after a few days (27 December) was stopped.
31 December. The new Hungarian government established in Debrecen, requested the Allied armistice and declared war on Germany; In Poland it is the Committee of National Liberation in Lublin declared interim government.
1. I. Composed Polish government; German counter-offensive in Hungary; formed the Yugoslav 1st, 2nd and 3rd Army.
January 9, the US military landed on the island of Luzon (Philippines).
I. 12th Red Army broke through the German defense line on the Vistula.
I. 13th Red Army penetrated into East Prussia.
I. 17th Red Army liberated Warsaw.
4-12. II. Yalta Conference.
8th II. She began the Soviet offensive end and Leubusa Steinau an der Oder; British offensive began on the lower Rhine.
February 13. He stopped the German resistance in Budapest.
On February 19th. The US military landed on the island of Iwo Jima.
February 23. Turkey declared war on Germany and Japan; US offensive began on the Rhine.
February 24. In Belgrade interviewed Tito Field Marshal H. Alexander on the coordination of the following operations.
1 March. Rename the National Liberation Army of Yugoslavia in the Yugoslav Army; formed Yugoslav 4th Army.
March 3. Finland declared war on Germany.
Seventh III. J. Broz - Tito compiled a unique government Democratic Federal Yugoslavia; US military occupied Cologne.
20 March. The Yugoslav 4th Army broke through the German defense line in Lika; began operations for the final liberation of Bosnian, Croatian and Slovenian territory; British army conquered Mandalay (Burma).
23 March. British 21st Army Group crossed the Rhine.
March 28. It began the offensive of the Red Army in Vienna.
April 1. The American invasion of the island of Okinawa (Ryukyu Islands).
2. IV. Started operations the Yugoslav Army for the Liberation of Eastern Bosnia.
April 6. Units 2, 3 and 5th Corps of the Yugoslav Army liberated the city.
April 9. She began the final offensive of the Allies in Italy.
11 April. In Moscow signed a treaty of friendship, mutual assistance and postwar cooperation between Yugoslavia and the USSR.
April 12. Died US President F. D. Roosevelt; the new president of the United States became the former Vice President HS Truman; Yugoslav Army first broke Sremska battlefield; Yugoslav 3rd Army forced the Drava; The Red Army occupied Kaliningrad.
13th IV. Allied forces in the West crossed the Lab; The Red Army liberated Vienna.
14th IV. Composed National Croatian government; released Osijek.
16 April. The general offensive of the Red Army troops in Berlin; began the battle for Rijeka.
April 17. The capitulation of German forces in the Ruhr; Red Army penetrated into Czechoslovakia.
April 18. US Army penetrated the border areas of Czechoslovakia and reach out to Plzen.
19th IV. The Americans entered in Bavaria and won Nuremberg; the US Army broke through the German defense line of the end of Bologna; landing of the 9th Division of the Yugoslav 4th Army on Cres and Losinj.
20 April. The collapse of the German front line on the Odra River.
24th IV. Landing the 9th Division of the Yugoslav 4th Army on the eastern coast of Istria.
25th September. Troops of the Red Army encircled Berlin; The Red Army and the US Army met at Torgau Elbe end; Founding Assembly of the United Nations in San Francisco.
April 27. Allies declared independence of Austria.
28th IV. The partisans of northern Italy captured and shot (April 29) Mussolini.
On April 29. In Caserta signed the unconditional capitulation of the German army in northern Italy, Austria, Styria and Carinthia; Hitler appointed Grand Admiral K. Dönitz as his successor.
April 30. The suicide of Hitler and his propaganda minister J. Goebbels in Berlin; Germany asked for a truce of the USSR; Yugoslav 4th Army began fighting for Trieste.
May 1, troops of the Yugoslav Army occupied Monfalcone (Monfalcone) and Gorizia (Gorica) and the Sochi came into contact with the British 8th Army; the uprising in Prague.
2. See the Red Army conquered Berlin; Yugoslav Army troops occupied Trieste; suspended hostilities in northern Italy.
May 3, British and Soviet troops met in Mecklenburg; Yugoslav Army liberated River; The Allies entered the Rangoon and free Burma.
4. See US forces from Germany and Italy met at the Brenner.
6. See Ultimatum General DD Eisenhower Germans on all fronts to cease fighting until midnight on May 8th.
7. See In Reims signed the unconditional surrender of all German armed forces.
8. See In Berlin ratified the unconditional surrender of all German armed forces; Yugoslav Army troops liberated Zagreb.
9. V. Red Army liberated Prague; Yugoslav Army liberated Ljubljana; Parts of Yugoslav 4th Army entered the Klagenfurt and Carinthia squad came to the northern Slovene ethnic border.
10. See Allied armies landed in Norway; German army group in the Kurzeme (Kurland) surrendered to the Red Army.
15. See The capitulation of the defeated forces of NDH end Bleiberg.
16. See German government arrested Admiral K. Dönitz.
April 6. Brazil declared war on Japan.
July 8. Norway declared war on Japan.
July 15. Experiments with the first atomic bomb in New Mexico (USA).
17th July. Italy declared war on Japan.
17.VII-second VIII. Potsdam Conference; the Declaration on Japan (July 26).
6th August. A nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
August 8. The Soviet Union declared war on Japan.
On August 9. A nuclear bomb was dropped on Nagasaki; The Red Army began operations against the Japanese army in Manchuria (ended 30 August).
10. VIII. The Red Army crossed the Korean border.
August 14. The Japanese government notified the government of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and China to accept the Potsdam Declaration; Moscow signed an agreement between the USSR and kuomintanške China on the establishment of Chinese sovereignty in Manchuria.
16th of August. The Red Army began the operation for capturing the Southern Sakhalin; Japanese sovereign ordered an end to the fight against the Allies.
18th August. Pacific Fleet of the Soviet Union began unloading the Kurile.
23 August. The Red Army entered the Lushun (Port Arthur).
26th August. Allied fleet sailed into Japanese waters.
30. VIII. The landing of the occupying US forces in the Gulf Tokyjski.
September 2. Signed an unconditional surrender of Japan on the American battleship Missouri in Tokyjskom bay; completion II. World War.